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Tumbuhan inang, parasitoid dan hiperparasitoid kutudaun Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) di sekitar Bogor dan Cianjur, Jawa Barat

dc.contributor.authorIrsan, Chandra
dc.description.abstractThe green peach aphid Wtls persicae (Sulzer) is truly a cosmopolitan species, very poIyphagous, reproduces parthenogenetically in the tropics, and has a short life cycle. It is a common pest of many cultivated piants and act as vectors of many plant viruses. The predators, parasitoids and pathogens are the important natural enemies of green peach aphid and other aphids. In general this r e m h investigates the natural host plants, parasitoids, and hyperparasitoids of green peach aphid in the neighbourhood of Bogor and Cianjur (West Java). The special purpose of this resarch is to study the diversity of the host plants, the parasitoids, and hyperparasitoids of the aphid and their vertical distributions in the areas. Besides, the influence of the diversity of host crop plants and the application of insecticide on the aphid parasitoids and hrperparasitoids were also studied. Labot~torye xperiments were conducted to investigate the potential of parasitoids as agent of biological control. The results showed that the aphids' host plant diversity is high, and that plant species which are taxonomically related are potential hosts of the aphld. Dominant host plants belong to families Solanaceae and Brassicaceae. There were six species of parasitoids attacking the aphid, i,e. : Aphidius rosae Halida y, Aphidius delicat ers Baker, Aphiditrs sp., Diaeretiella rape (M' intosh) (Aphidiidae), Aphelinus asychis (Walker), and Apkelinus sp. (Aphelinidae). Four species of hyperpamitoids found attacking those parasitoids, i-e.: Aphtdencyrtus sp., Coagerus sp., Ooemyrtus sp. (Emyrtidae), and Charips sp. (Chanpidae). Population abundance and d~stributiono f the parasitoids of the aphid were influenced by the crops plant species, population density and distribution of the aphid, season, and application of insecticide. The species vertical distribution of the aphids' parasitoids and h yperparasi toids differ and apparently are influenced by the occurrence of the aphids' host plant and elevation above sea level. Laboratory experiment showed that the parasitoids D. rape, could suppressed the aphids' population to 62,7%, and the other pamitoid, Aphelinm sp. to 59,4%. The last mentioned parasitoids killed its host by host feeding, besides parasitization. The use of those parasitoids in applied biological control programs is recommended, however more researches are still needed, especially in aspects of field biaecology, mass rearing and release
dc.description.abstractKutudaun Myzus persicae (Sulzer) merupakan species yang kosmopolit, polifag, di daerah tropis berkembangbiak partogenetik dan siklus hidupnya pendek serta dapat berperan sebagai hama dan vektor penyakit virus tanaman. Predator, parasitoid dan patogen merupakan musuh alami penting
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleHost Plants, Pamitoids and Hyperparasitoids of Green Peach Aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hornoptem: Aphididae) in the neighburhood of Bogor and Cimjur (West Java).id
dc.titleTumbuhan inang, parasitoid dan hiperparasitoid kutudaun Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) di sekitar Bogor dan Cianjur, Jawa Baratid

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