dc.description.abstract | Five lesser known hardwood species from recently opened settlement area in Kalimantan and Sumatra island~ o/Indonesia were collected and identified as Symplocos sp., Pterygota sp., Schima sp., Nyssa sp., and Gymnotroches sp, The present experiments were intended to evaluate the potential 0/these species lor dissolving pulp and rayon production. Prehydrolized kraft process was applied to pulp the woods and an ECF bleaching method with DEDED sequences were chosen to purify the resulting pulp. All dissolving pulp and rayon filament properties were compared to indonesian Industrial Standard SNi /4-0938-1989 for regular rayon filament and high wet modulus (HWM) rayon filament properties, It has been found that these woods can be classified as class IIlor raw material 0/pulp making with medium to long fiber, medium wood density and acceptable bulk density ofchips. Gymnotroches sp. was the most difficult to delignify, as indicated by the highest kappa number 0/18,8, Except for pulp brightness, all parameters tesled indicated that these species are highly potential/or dissolving pulp and regular rayon production. Some parameters were even indicating that these woods can be used/or HWM rayon fiber. | id |