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dc.contributor.authorLaga, Amran
dc.description.abstractCyc/odextrin is a modified starch which can be produced/rom the branched-chain o.ftapioca starch by the enzyme CGTase activity, This enzyme attacks the straight-chain ()f amylopectin of the substrate produced simultaneously by the hydrolyzing enzyme pullulanase on the tapioca starch. The aims of this research were to determine the best of temperature and reaction time on production step and to determine the best of concentration of the starch substrate to produce cyc!odextrin. The temperature and reaction time applied were 50, 55 and 60 "cfor up to 360 minutes and sampling was conducted every 30 minutes, while the concentration of starch applied were 20, 25. 30, 35 and 40% (w/v), Parameters measured were redUCing sugar. starch residue. dextrose equivalent. viscosity and yield ofcyclodextrin, The result showed that the branched-chain ofstarch was converted by the CGTase enzyme into cyclodextrin and reducing sugars. The best oftemperature and reaction time for producing cyclodextrin were 60 "c and 210 minutes, respectively. which gave the highest conversion rare ofcyclodextrin (-70. /0 %) 011 20% (w/v) tapioca substrale, Furthermore. the best of concentration of the tapioca substrate was 30% (w/v) which gave the sim ilar highest conversion rate cyclodextrin (69,96%) and yield (209.89 g/L). These were derived from the same condition of temperature and reaction time (60 "c and 210 minutes),id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.12 No.2
dc.titleProduksi Siklodekstrin dari Substrat Tapioka dengan Menggunakan Pullulanase dan CGTase secara Simultanid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol.12 No.2

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