dc.description.abstract | Muncor is one ofa few major fish processing complex, which contributes significantly to the local as well as national economic development since most of the products is export oriented Majority of industry is characterized by the use of a relatively old type of machinery and facility and of improper waste control and management, The fish processing as well as its related economic activity has now caused a serious environmental problem especially nuisance and waterlcoastal pol/ution The important environmental aspects identified include high process water consumption, less efficient use of energy and materials. and minimum implementation of industrial waste control and management In order to contribute to the government in establishing the framework of environmental management program in the area and in particular to assisl the industry in improving its production and environmental performance, an integrated industrial pollution control strategy is proposed The strategy consists of input as well as output pollution control measures based on 0 comprehensive and reliable data of existing environmental performance. The ultimate goal is to sustain and balance the environmental functions, namely economical, social and ecological functions. The overall strategy exhibits a multi-year program implementation and involving many relevant government institutions and industries. This paper describes the proposed strategy, which is now adopted by the government as a po/lution controi program of Muncar foi' the year 2007-20! 2, At this present stage, the work focuses on potentia! implementation of input pol/ution control measures using cleaner production approach, sllch as waste prevention, reduction, reuse and recycle and their benefits to industry and environment | id |