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dc.contributor.authorNugroho, Naresworo
dc.description.abstractComposite panel products sllch as sandwich panel can be used in building construction. The purpose of the Jirst research is to find out the physical and mechanical properties of sandwich panel made from three bamboo species. The species of bamboo used were tali (Gigantochloa apus), ampel (Bambusa vulgari.';) and hi/am (Gigantochloa atroviolaceae). Those bamboo were used as core, whereas plywood was used as face and back. Part of core represented by pieces of bamboo which was cutting along 4 em with three compilation patterns of bamboo, those were full circlilar bamboo pallern, bamboo cleave pattern and the mixed of them. Materials that used in second research were tali bamboo used as core with thickness of3 em, 4 em, and 5 em and three synthetic adhesives (epoxy, polyurethane, iso-cyanate). The physical and mechanical properties tested ofsandwich panel were moisture meter, density, modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MaR) and internal bond strength. The testing results ofthe panel were compared to JiS A 5908-2003 standard. The result ofphysical properties testingfrom the first research indicated that all ofthe density ofsandwich panel met in the range required by JiS A 5908 standard. The result ofmechanical properties showed that sandwich panel made from full circular bamboo pattern raced the best MOE and MaR value. Mean while the species of bamboo did not affect significantly to the mechanical properties of the sandwich panel. Result of second research showed that moisture content and density of sandwich panel Itas fulfilled the standard limit of JIS A 5890-2003. In mechanical characteristic testing for MOE value passed the standard limit, but MaR vallie ofpanel does not fulfill the standard ofJiS A 5890-2003. it is expected by off-bonding ofadhesive between bamboo and plywood. it call be concluded that combination ofsandwich panel with core 3 cm and epoxy resin had the best ofphysical and mechanical
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 19 No. 2
dc.titleDevelopment of Panel Sandwich Products Made from Bambooid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 19 No. 2 Agustus 2009id

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