dc.contributor.author | Machfud | |
dc.contributor.author | Sahar, Arviano Haryanto | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2010-10-05T08:10:07Z | |
dc.date.available | 2010-10-05T08:10:07Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2010 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/40460 | |
dc.description.abstract | Fishing industries are one ofIndonesia huge source for Indonesia capital income. and Indonesia is one of the biggest exporter offisheries commodity in the global market. In order to maintain and to expand its market, a study based on modern science is held to help the development offishing industry in Indonesia. Performance of queuing system in a production line can be an indicator for effectivity and efficiency in the production system. PT. GTS is one ofIndonesian companies that has a well known reputation in exporting frozen fish fillet. Analysis technique that was used in this research was Monte Carlo simulation and /ine balancing model. Queuing system in the frozen fish fillet production line is composed by 13 work stations and 4 ofthe stations are a join work station (which handle material from all ofproduction line). This queuing system simulation named SAPFIB "Sistem Antrian Produksi Fillet Ikan Beku ", consists of three models and four sub models. Those models are queuing model that simulate queuing condition of receiving station to panning and after curing station (Model A), line balancing model atfreezing station (Model B). and model that simlilate queuing system at packing station (Model C). The result for the main model simulation in the real state are balking in after curing station, queuing in the freezing station and there is no queuing in packing station. In order to improve the performance ofproduction line, two scenario ofqueuing system were developed. The /11.'0 scenario are changing the rate ofincoming material (X's scenario) and changing the composition ofoperator in each work station (Y's scenario). The simulation of X's as well as Y's scenario showed that those scenario increase the server lIfilization and the processed material and the balking condition became zero. The )" s scenario is better than X's scenario in term of the queuing condition. The Y's scenario reduced the icc's cost and speed lip the flow fime. | id |
dc.publisher | IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) | |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Vol.18;(2) | |
dc.title | Analisis kinerja sistem antrian pada industri pengolahan fillet ikan beku (studi kasus di PT. GTS, Jawa Barat) | id |
dc.title.alternative | Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol.18 No.2 | |