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dc.contributor.authorHaji, Abdul Gani
dc.contributor.authorMas'ud, Zainal Alim
dc.contributor.authorLay, Bibiana W
dc.contributor.authorSutjahjo, Surjono H.
dc.contributor.authorPari, Gustan
dc.description.abstractThe liquid smoke had been produced from raw material ofsolid organic waste using pyrolysis reactor. The composition of organic waste as 30% bamboo, 30% wood, 20% small branch and 20% fruit peel was separated and coped manually, and then put into pyrolysis reactor. Pyrolysing processing at 350-510 °c for 5 hours and liquid smoke produced was characterized by means ofrendement, total phenol and pH parameter. Besides that, the liquid smoke component was identified by GCMS. The result ofthis research showed that the liquid smoke was generally brownish-red color, with rendement 22.87-34.67 %, pH 3.8-4.8, and total phenolic 6.15xl0·3-2.24xI0· %. Increasing pyrolysis temperature up to 505 oC tended to increase total phenolic compound. GCMS analysis on the liqUid smoke identified 61 compound, i.e. ketone (17 compounds), phenolic (14 compounds). carboxylic acid (8 compounds), alcohols (7 compounds), ester (4 compounds), aldehyde (3 compounds). and other 1
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 16 No.3
dc.titleCharacterization Of Liquid Smoke Pyrolyzed From Solid Organic Wasteid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 16id

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