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dc.contributor.authorUsmiati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorNurdjannah, Nanan
dc.description.abstractThe quality of white pepper at farm level is relative~y low, sometimes doesn't meet the quality need by the Importer. Some components of white pepper processing technology to improve the quality of white pepper at farm level have been produced. which consist ofthe processing technology and its equipments. The aim ofthe study was to get the best ofsoaking day and drying method at farm level which is suitable in respect-processing method and meet the International quality standard for pepper from International Pepper Community (JPC). The 100 kg ofpepper berries from 8-9 months age was used for each combination treatment. The study was designed as randomized Block Designed, with two replications. and replication f and II is used as the
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Lama Perendaman dan Cara Pengeringan terhadap Mutu Lada Putihid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 16id

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