Browsing Jurnal MPI (Magister Profesional Industri Kecil Menengah) by Title
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Dampak Pemberian Kredit Pola Grameen Bank Terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Usaha Kecil Masyarakat Pesisir oleh Koperasi Lembaga Ekonomi Pengembangan Pesisir Mikro Mitra Mina di Kabupaten Tuban
(2013)One of the main factor which contributes why coastal communities cannot improve their economy is low capital. This is because they have limited access to capital and it might be true that bank give limited credit facilities ... -
Evaluasi Kinerja Layanan Pengembangan Bisnis Bagi Usaha Kecil Menengah : Kasus BDS Garmen di Jakarta
(2006)Business Development Service (80S) is a non financial services entity which try to increase SME performance through market access, production process improvement management development, financial facility and other that ... -
Pengaruh Faktor Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Individu di Perusahaan Agroindustri Go Public
(2013)Challenges facing companies in the era of globalization characterized by the occurrence of free trade. This study describes the competencies to create individual performance for the company to grow and to develop by using ... -
Pinjaman Program Kemitraan pada Peningkatan Kinerja Mitra Binaan PT Sucofindo (Persero) di Jabotabek
(2013)Partnership program is a program aimed to increase the ability of small businesses to be resilient and self-sufficient through the use of funds less than 1%-2% of net profit. Partnership program has targeted in small ... -
Plasma Perbandingan Pendapatan Peternak Dari Dua Sistem Kemitraan Inti Berbeda Pada Usaha Pembesaran Ayam Ras Pedaging
(2010)The role of chicken ranch business in Indonesia starts to develop until at this moment. This business has good prospect and so bright. The necessities of protein consumption rate by people become one of many factors that ... -
Strategi Pemasaran Sapi Potong di CV Septia Anugerah Jakarta
(2013)CV Septia Anugerah is one of the largest beef cattle in Indonesia that can meet the needs of beef cattle. In West Java, beef marketing largely dominated by livestock or livestock. The company helps farmers with livestock ... -
Strategi Pemasaran Wafer Ransum Komplit untuk Ternak Sapi
(2013)This research was aimed to analyze level of interest, identify significant predictor for intention to purchase, analyze level of uniqueness, analyze level of concordance and develop marketing strategy for wafer complete ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Dalam Pembiayaan Usaha Mikro di Kecamatan Tanjungsari, Sumedang
(2013)KJKS as Islamic microfinance institution have a strategic role in the expansion of employment and reduce poverty. KJKS have a role as agent of asset distribution for the economic empowerment of the community, through Baitul ... -
Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Tuna Olahan Indonesia di Pasar Internasional
(2013)Tuna Indonesia mostly exported in fresh and frozen (55%), and 45% in processed tuna. It is therefore necessary to study the competitiveness of processed tuna. The method used is the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and ... -
Tingkat kepuasan pelanggan dan strategi pengembangan usaha jasa salon kecantikan keraton di Tangerang
(2013)Salon Kecantikan Keraton that was established in 2007 is required to improve service in order to compete in facing the competition of growing salon business. Since Salon Kecantikan Keraton was established, there is number ... -
Usaha pembesaran dan pemasaran ikan lele serta strategi pengembanganya di UD Sumber Rezeki Parung, Jawa Barat
(2013)The purpose of this study was to determine the magnification and technology marketing at UD Sumber Rezeki and get a new breakthrough in marketing efforts and the enlargement of catfish, determine the feasibility and ...