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dc.contributor.advisorDarusman, Dudung
dc.contributor.advisorSundawati, Leti
dc.contributor.authorSukardi, L.
dc.description.abstractThe Rinjani Mountain National Park (RMNP) has vital roles in supporting community life in Lombok Island, however, its availability tends to be threatened due to illegal logging. The poverty of the community around the forest is one of the factors affect the illegal logging. Generally, the purpose of this research is to formulate model design of community empowerment for sustainable management of RMNP. Specifically, the objectives of this research were (1) indepth study of the kind and main factors of interaction between community and RMNP, (2) to investigate the community perception and economic assessment toward the forestry resource of RMNP, (3) to analyze the relationship between income and participation in sustaining the forestry resources, (4) to formulate the model and local community empowerment strategies in managing sustainable forestry resources. This research approaches were conducted through (1) document study, (2) interview, (3) direct observation, (4) in-depth interview, and (5) Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis, multiple regression analysis, Spearman correlation and process hierarchy analysis were employed to analyze the collected data. Based on the considering aspect of economy, ecology, social and culture, thus, the empowerment model of community for sustainable management of RMNP is named the Model of MAHAR-RINJANI. This is the abbreviation of “Masyarakat Harmonis dengan Hutan Rinjani” means Harmonious Community with Rinjani Forest. This abbreviation is then syntheses to formulate empowerment model of community around the RMNP. There are three alternative empowerment models that could be implemented, including (1) improving the communities welfare and support capability of RMNP, through activities: integrated arboretum RMNP, climbing environmental oriented, and compensated of forest; (2) the model of welfare enhancement of communities by support capability of sustaining RMN, through activities: family forest, cattle rearing, and small scale enterprise development of non timber product; and (3) special model to optimize community participation in sustaining RMNP namely the complaint centre of RMNP. By considering the current real condition, the activity was prioritized on the cattle rearing by following legal traditional system called Sistem pengkadasan Sapi Rinjani (SIDASARI). By this model the number of survive timber is estimated 2 – 4.8 per year. The empowerment had to be conducted through three steps including awareness of farmers, capacity building, empowering and directing for sustainable harmonious between community members and RMNP. It is also managed comprehensively through participative and collaborative approaches in terms of economic, social, culture and institution
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDesain Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lokal dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Berkelanjutan (Kasus Masyarakat Sekitar Kawasan Hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani Pulau Lombok)id
dc.title.alternativeIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id, A.Md 2012-10-09 Edit : Pembimbing, Keyword
dc.subject.keywordSustainable Forest Management
dc.subject.keywordIllegal logging
dc.subject.keywordTimber product
dc.subject.keywordAnalytical Hierarcy Process (AHP)
dc.subject.keywordSistem pengkadasan Sapi Rinjani (SIDASARI)

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