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dc.contributor.authorRustiadi, Ernan
dc.contributor.authorPanuju, Dyah R.
dc.contributor.authorTrisasongko, B.H.
dc.contributor.authorDajakapermana, Deni
dc.identifier.issnIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.description.abstractOn 26 December 2004 the biggest earthquake in 40 years occured between the Australian plate and Eurasian plate in the Indian Ocean. The quake triggered a tsunami (series of large waves) that speard out to several coatal cities in Nangroe Aceh Darsussalam Province, including its Capital, Banda Aceh City. In the region over 120 000 lives have lost and 1 million is homeless. Based on analysis remote sensing data (preliminary report of LAPAN), more than 120 000 hm2 of land are damaged. in Banda Aceh City, the canges of fishponds, residential areas and converstation areas (mangrove and other forets) were dominanet the land use over changes. These three land use / cover were decreased about 61.5%, 57.8% and 77.6% from the former respectively. The central goverment is preparing a new coastal spatial palnning which promotes a buffer zone (about 2 km the seashore) in the formerly most dense areas.Many groups of coastal communities and NGOs are asking for the involvement of local community in decision making
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleLand Cover Change And Coastal Spatial Zoning In Aceh-Indonesia In The Aftermath Of The Tsunamiid

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