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dc.contributor.authorSuketi, Ketty
dc.contributor.authorPoerwanto, Roedhy
dc.contributor.authorSujiprihati, Sriani
dc.contributor.authorWidodo, Winarso D.
dc.description.abstractResearch was objected to study physical and chemical characteristic of 75% and 100% ripe of 8 genotypes of papaya i.e. IPB1, IPB 2A, IPB 3, IPB 3A, IPB 4, IPB 7, IPB 8, and IPB 9 were picked at 25% yellow skin. The experiment was conducted in split plot wih completely randomized block design. The main plot was ripening periods of 75% ripe and 100% ripe, while the genotypes were taken for sub-plot. There is no significant different on physical and chemical characteristics between papaya at 75% and 100% ripe. Flesh firmness of IPB 9 was better than IPB 1, IPB 4 and IPB 8. Ascorbic acid content of IPB 4 (107.36 mg/100 g) was higher than that of IPB 2A and IPB 3A. Carotenoid content of IPB 4 (29,73 mg/100g) was higher than that of the other
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKajian Kualitas Buah Pepaya Koleksi PKBT-IPB Study on Fruit Quality of PKBT – IPB ’ Papayaid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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