Estimating Land Use Change and Carbon Release from Tropical Forest Consersion using Remote Sensing Technique
One of Cbe main issues in global changes is land use drange. In the tropics it is urually associztod with utilization of forest resou~ces ~d the development of lgricultural lands. Thrcc different satellite images wae used to compare heir capabititics in identifying the vegetation types. Having different spztid. temporal and spectral resolutions the data obtained from NOA9. LANDSAT-MSS. LANDSAT-TM and SPOT images wcre used to show identifiable vcgetauon typcs. Identification of land use ch e was based on (hc digitized False Color Gompo~ilt d & V ~ f m r n U\NMAT-TM 1992 data, which was compared witk the BIOTROP's vegetatiqn . map dcvclopcd from LANDSAT-MSS and SPOT in 1986. he forest conversions during a 6-year period were identified in terms of new vegetation types and their ma It was indicated tbat out of 1.2 Mha of primary f o r e s ~in Jambi