Presence of hemALike and hemT-Like Genes in a Number of Anoxygenic Photosyn
l'lle l~lrodohuc~seprl ~ueroidesh errrA and hemT are known to erlcodc a distinct 5-:~r~~inolevdlinic acid (ALA)-synthase isozynle. This enzyme catalyzes the first and rate limiting step in ALA biosyn(blcsis through tllc CA palllway. This study was carried out to detect IremA-like and IrernT-likc genes in t\'cnty Arluxygcnic I'l~utosy~~tl~lelatcictc rial (Al'Il) isolatcs fro111s ovcral \vctl:i~~adr crs in 111do1wria.r nf four DNA samplcs that wcrc isol;ltcd fro111 bur soil suulplcs obtaincd ti.0111 logor arca. Ilyhridiz tion tcchr~iques of Southern and dot blot were used, using IienrA and lrem7' fragment as probcs. Sou hern hybridization analyses indicated the presence of hemA-like gene in live of APB isolates, i.e., MUIS, 1 MB16. MD21.2. MB55 and MD6, wvllereas hemT-like gene was detected only in MUIS. DO^ blot hybridization arlalyscs suggested that the soil sa~~iplcfrso m waterlogged paddy-ficld. dty paddy-fie(ld as well as a mud pond were eredominantly occupied by prokaryotic organisms \vhich harl)oured hem{-like gene. I lowevcr, hemT-like sequences were also found in soil sample from dry paddy-lield.
- Biology [92]