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dc.contributor.authorPambudy, Rachmat
dc.description.abstractA lot of achievement has been shown in the two years of the SBY-JK government period in various fields including political stability, respectable macro economic policy, controllable inflation; low interest rate; and improved devisa. However, SBY-JK still face serious problems, among them the high level of poverty figure which dominantly is found in the farmer community. This is very ironic, recalling that Indonesia is the agrarian country fertile soil which is also containing a lot of natural wealth. In the attempt to lessen the poverty level all at once to increase the farmer prosperity, it is very necessary to apply a business strategy and the agriculture agribusiness system where the government should keep consistent acting as the regulator, the facilitator, and the conducive business climate creator. To implement the agribusinenss strategy, it is needed two big policies i.e. (1) Agriculture Net Safety Program and (2) Agriculture Development Program. The first program pushes to be done, because at the time the agriculture is a sector which will pervade a lot of manpower. All at once the program can be used as the means for increasing the farmer capacity in a very shod and rapid time. This includes (a) excellent seed and fertilizer incentives; (b) supporling incentive for farmer land certificate; (c) tackling water readiness problem; (d) agricultural based bioenergy; (e) financiallfunding and investment incentives; and (f) service for education and health guarantees for farmer. The second program, in principle, develops agriculture continuously afler the farmer base can be strengthened through the first program. Some activities or policies supporting the second program are (a) Development of agriculture and rural infrastructure; (b) Development of agricultural and technology program; (c) Technology dissemination and agricultural extension services; (d) Development of fair and promotional trade policy; (e) Development of agreement policy and international cooperation; (f) Development of farmer supporting institutional; and (g) Human resource development. If the macroeconomy policy can be best friends with the agribusiness system and business, and be supported with policy, strategy, and program for system development and agribusiness which are consistent and coordinated well, the strong and sturdy national food security can be achieved. This is very important as the base for continuous national economy growth, the high and smooth agribusiness growth, which is empty into the carried out the effective national economy development. This is one of challenges of SBY-JK government in handling various problems in the sector of agriculture through the make use of natural resource potential and the increase of competitiveness, so most poverty problems, unemployment and low competitiveness will be solved and all at once give the solution environment preservation
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDua Tahun Pemerintahan SBY-JK dan Agenda Pembangunan Pertanian yang Tersisaid

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