dc.description.abstract | Several processing methods have been evaluated to improve the energy values of wheat pollard at Research Institute for jnilnaJ, Production Ciawi Bosor. The Processing includes 1. Steaming for 10,20 and 30 minutes 2. Autoolaving at 12cPC for 10,20 and 30 minutes 3. Cold pelleting and combination of steaming for 30 minutes prior to pelleting. Untreated wheat pollard was used as control experiment. Metabolisable energy of sampleo were measured using 100 Cookerels. The experiment was replioated 4 times and each replioate oomprise of 3 birds. Gross energy both from excreta and feed were measured by bomb calorimeter and true metabcllsable energy was calculated a.f't;er correotion from endogenous excreta of pested birds. The results indicated that processing methods infll1enoed sisnific~ 1.tly (p,( 0.01) the metabolisable energJ' of wheat pol1a't'd. Metabolisable energr of wheat pollard improve sli@:ltly by steaming for 30 minutes compared with 10 or 20 minutes, from 1400 koal ME/kg to 1450 kcal ~8/kg. A:utoclavingfor 10 minutes also increased ME to 1460 kcal/ kg, however further longer of heati:1.g did not increase the energy Value. The high improvement an energy- value was achieved by pelleting (1615 kca.1 :ME/kg) and combination of pelleting and steaming resulted as the value at 1790 kcal ME/kg. | id |