dc.description.abstract | The effect of protein level i n raticns on edible production of local rabbits mas studied. Five rations t h a t consisted of 11 to 1% crude f i b e r , 3 850 ~ c a l E/S~ner gy and (A) 9, (B) 12, (c) 15, (D) 18 and (E) 2174 protein, were used. Ferty young mde local rabbits were &so used (693 - + 29 g) , The study was carried out in a randomized complete desi* that consisted of 5 treatments and 8 replications. The study was done i n 8 weeks. The animals were k i l l e d and dissected at t i e end of t r i a l . Analysis ef co-variance (Y = ~ ~ am~as bapp)li ed. The r e s u l t s showed that the slaughter weight of rabbits f o r A, B, C, D and E were 811, .1 047, 1 128, 1 150 and 1 182 g, the edible productions were 52.59 54.8, 5Ge3, 56.8 and 56.1% of slaughter weight and 67.59 67.4, 68.y9 69.5 and 69 .PA of empty body weight, res pec tivelly. The edible production was significantly affected by protein level et the same slaughter weight (~f0.05), but the effect of protein level on edible production at the same empty body weight was not s ignif ic ant , | id |