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dc.contributor.authorAffandie, Elly Roswiaty
dc.contributor.authorSudono, Adi
dc.contributor.authorSoejoedono, R. Roso
dc.description.abstractThe quality of milk from dairy sm13 holder and t h ~ ftr om dairy enterprise WE?S compared, Eilk samples from 7 dairy entexprises and 14 dairy small holders were studies. XiLk from dairy small holdex and that s'som dairy eazterprisq had good gu@.i+,y and it was not significantly daff exwt, except in specific @aviQ which was belcw mhjrnal standarf 9.280, %at were 1 .OW3 f o r small hqlder andl 1,0238 f a r enterprise, respectively, ECilk from dairy small holder an$ that :ram pterpriirise had the acidity of 6.14% and 0,153b ox 6.79 SH and "110 EX, fat cmlxxtt 3#2% and 3,3w1 solid nm fat content (~lsischmaz:m ethod) 1,9@j a d 8.t$Q or (ova method) 8.2% aazd 8.21% and 'bacter:al count 432 5QO and 465 036 r reed methad) or 394 625 a d 4 12 1* 7 ( ~ a c hm ethod), r@p ec ti- . vely, Washkg 4he udder by warrn water had higdy af@fLcantly decreased b& t erial c o m t clf m i l k , compared w i th .t;h e s an txo 2 ,id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.7 No.1
dc.titlePerbandingan Kualitas Air Susu dari Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah dan Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Kebon Pedes, Kotamadya Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan, 1984 Vol.7 No.1: 1-26

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