Perbandingan Kualitas Air Susu dari Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah dan Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Kebon Pedes, Kotamadya Bogor
Affandie, Elly Roswiaty
Sudono, Adi
Soejoedono, R. Roso
Show full item recordAbstract
The quality of milk from dairy sm13 holder and t h ~ ftr om dairy enterprise WE?S compared, Eilk samples from 7 dairy entexprises and 14 dairy small holders were studies. XiLk from dairy small holdex and that s'som dairy eazterprisq had good gu@.i+,y and it was not significantly daff exwt, except in specific @aviQ which was belcw mhjrnal standarf 9.280, %at were 1 .OW3 f o r small hqlder andl 1,0238 f a r enterprise, respectively, ECilk from dairy small holder an$ that :ram pterpriirise had the acidity of 6.14% and 0,153b ox 6.79 SH and "110 EX, fat cmlxxtt 3#2% and 3,3w1 solid nm fat content (~lsischmaz:m ethod) 1,9@j a d 8.t$Q or (ova method) 8.2% aazd 8.21% and 'bacter:al count 432 5QO and 465 036 r reed methad) or 394 625 a d 4 12 1* 7 ( ~ a c hm ethod), r@p ec ti- . vely, Washkg 4he udder by warrn water had higdy af@fLcantly decreased b& t erial c o m t clf m i l k , compared w i th .t;h e s an txo 2 ,
- Media Peternakan [277]