Analisis Preferensi dan Pola Konsumsi Daging Kerbau pada Konsumen Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Pandeglang
This research has objective are: (1) to analyze consumer preference of meat, related to social culhue, personal characteristic and psychologist as buyer factor of household consumer; and (2) to arulyze consume pattern of buffalo's meat and influence factom for houeehold consumer. This research used survey method and 75* household as samples. Samples defined by multiple stage accidental sampling The processing data wed computer program SPSS, ouch as qualitative and quantitative descriptive, Speannan correlation, and lineu qmsion. This resemh showed that pemonal characteristic like age, education level and amount of member household have significant correlation with preference level of buffalo's meat. Linear regression analyze showed that amount of buffalo's meat consumption influenced by total income of household, amount of member household, pxice of buffalo's meat, and price of chicken's
- Media Peternakan [277]