Penggunaan Manure Ayam dan Manure Domba sebagai Bahan Campuran Ransum Ayam Petelur Jantan: Pengaruhnya Terhadap Bobot Organ Tubuh, Bulu dan Darah Tertampung
The addition of 10% chicken manure, 10% sheep manure and 5% chicken manure + 5% sheep manure to a commercial ration had a significant e f f e c t on the weight of spleen (PL0.051, that of lungs plus trachea (P/0.05) and that of kidneys, a t the same empty body weight; and a hTghly signifidant effect on the weight of feather and that of collected blood. Its effect on the weight of head, shanks and t e s t i c l e s a t the same empty body weight, was not significant.
- Media Peternakan [277]