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dc.contributor.authorNatasasmita, Asikin
dc.description.abstract~ormulas t h a t were used to estimate body weight (BW) from heart g i r t h (HG) of Bali c a t t l e were affected by sex, location and season ( w e t and dry). Ln BIQ = -0.64069 + 1.20609 In HG i n wet season and In BW = -1.20057 + 1.33321 i n HG i n dry season, were used to estimate the body weight of males. Ln BW = -2.50933 + 1.36486 In HG i n w e t season, In BW = -2.39436 + 1.55011 In TiG i n dry season, were used to estimate the body weight of females,
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.10 No.1
dc.titleEstimasi Bobot Hidup Sapi Bali Berdasarkan Ukuran Lingkar Dadaid
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan Tahun 1985, Vol.10 No.1

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