Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Otomasi Interpolasi Hujan Wilayah dengan Metode Thiessen. 

      Humaira, Dewi | Buono, Agus (2013)
      Water in rivers affects human life. If the amount of rainfall exceeds normal limits, disaster can harm the society in the area. In order to prevent that, the calculation of rainfall is needed. Rainfall can be calculated ...
    • Penerapan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan untuk Pemodelan Prakiraan Curah Hujan Bulanan 

      Mujahidin, Arif | Kustiyo, Aziz | Sucahyono, Dedi (2015)
      Rain is very usefull for life but heavy rainfall will lead to disaster if not anticipated properly. Rainfall forecasting is very usefull to anticipate the occurrence of extreme weather. This study developed artificial ...