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dc.contributor.authorDahlan, Endes Nurfilmarasa
dc.contributor.authorOntaryo, Yoyo
dc.description.abstractBecause automobiles emitted lead particles, plants grown at various distances from the road can be contaminated by air-borne lead particles. The deposition of lead particles on the leaf surfaces is defined as lead-adsorption and the entrance of lead particles into laaf tissues through stomata is defined as lead-absorption. The amount of Iead-adsorptLon is mearwed in washed-out water, whiie the amount of lead-absorption is measured in washed leaves. The amount of lead-adsorption is less than leadabmrption. Lead-absorption m old leaves is commonly higher than in young leaves. The plants which belong to the highest class in lead adsopttioa and absorption are : Aidium gua/avc, Tennidia q p r r and Lugerstroemio specha; belonging to the high class is : Swktenia ntacrophylk to the medium class are : Mangifera indica and Pterocerpus M a s ; to the low class are : Buuhinia pwpwea and Cmuagium odoratum, and belonging to the lowest class are : Rlicium decipiens, Olnariurn commune, Rcus hirta, Erythrina vanegata and ACP cia
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.II No.4
dc.titleKandungan Timbal pada Beberapa Jenis Pohon Pinggir Jalan di Jalan Sudirman, Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeMedia Konservasi Vol.II No.4, Desember 1989

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