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dc.contributor.authorDwiriani, Cesilia M.
dc.contributor.authorDamanik, Muhammad Rizal Martua
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this stzrdy is to ana[yze family's income mid food .~~rfficiency level. The total samples of 180 families were randomly selected, where 115 samples were the participant and 65 samples were non-participant families of PDM-DKE program in Bogor. The sfzcdy was conducted in four-district areas (kelurahan) in Bogor City (kotama@a). Data analysis consists of descriptive and inferential statistics, such as hiann mibreyfir drgerence 's test and Rank Spearman for correlation test. The results showed that family's income and food ~UfJicieticyle vel were not signrficantly diferent between the two groups. The average income of participant families was Rp105.700 and the average income of non-participant families wcrs Rp104.400. The s@ciency level of vitamin A at non-participant families is considered dej?cienf (<50% AKG) in average, while at participant families is not considered deficient r>50%). The size of the family is negatively correlated with food sufficiency level of the two group sample families, while family's income is positively correlated with f d suflciency level of the participant families. Housewives educational level and nutrition howledge was tent to effect the food sufficiency level of the sample
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. XXIV No.2
dc.titlePendapatan dan Konsumsi Pangan Keluarga Peserta dan Bukan Peserta Program PDM-DKE di Kotamadya Bogor, Jawa Barat Tahun Anggaran 1998/1999id
dc.title.alternativeMedia Gizi & Keluarga Vol. XXIV No.2, Desember 2000

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