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dc.contributor.authorRachmat, Mochamad
dc.contributor.authorDjuwita, Ratna
dc.description.abstracti%is study was cohcted to investigate the nutritional status and food consumption of children in the Jakarta orphanages-The aim of the shrdy is to examined the relationship between energy consumption and nutritional status included ils related factors of orphanage children 6 to 18 years of ages in Jakarta in 1999. The design of this study was cross sectional, 308 respondents were involvedfrom 48 PSAA. Nutritional status as the dependent variable determined by height for age and weight for age using z-score. The independent variables which related to nutritional status were: energy consumption status, protein consumption status, length of stay in the orphanage, age, and gender. The result of this study shows that the prevalence of protein energy malnutn'tim (PEM) is 49.7% (height for age) and 32.8% ( weight for age ). Energy consumption, protein consumption, and iron consumption were 54.5% 62.0%, and 68.2% resvecrively. SigmJTcance rehtionship was found between energy consumption status and nutritional status (OR= 1.7; at pvalue=0.0001; 959661: 1.3- 2.2) using height for age indices and OR = 2.2 @=0.0067; 95%CI: 1.2-3.8) using weight for age indices. Based on weight for age, the risks of respondent who stayed at wphanagejor 36 months or more to become PEW was 0.59 times @=0.0325; 9596.6: 0.360.95) compared to them whose stayed less then 36 months in the orphanage.The risks of female respondents to become PEM was 0.59 times @=0.0230; 95Yd:I:0.38-0.93) using height for age and 0.42 times @=0.0005; 95YiiZ: 0.25-0.68) using weight for age compared to male respondents. The result of logrogrsmtisutrltci ple regression anallysis to nutritional status as a cdepenaht variable using height for age as follows: In p/l-p = -0.4482 + 0.9090 (energy consumption status) + 0.3129 @rotein consumption stutus) - 0.7004 (age) - 0.4208 (gender). M l e bared on weight for age, the regression equ&.on was: In p/l-p = -0.9249 + 0.9116 (energy consumption status) + 0.5611 @rotein consumption stdus) - 0.6561 (length of stayed in orphanage) - 0.8256 (gender) - 0.3110 (age). Refers to the result of this study, we recommend to every institution or nor? gaverment organization (NGO) which relate to orphanage could give their ~ ~ c i p a t i o n , funding and guidance in order to increase the quantity and quality of food consumed by the orphanage child This study recommend a further study in order to know the real codtion of this problem especially in others independent
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XXIV No.2
dc.titleHubungan Status Konsumsi Energi dan Status Gizi Anak Umur 6-18 Tahun Penghuni PSAA di DKI Jakarta Tahun 1999id
dc.title.alternativeMedia Gzi & Keluarga Desember 2000, Vol.XXIV No.2

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