dc.description.abstract | The study aims to determine relationship between mothering and nutritional status of under five children at Desa Rancamqa Kota Bogor. fie samples of the study were children within the age range of 13 - 60 months. Thirg eight children and their mothers served as respondents of this study. fie result of this stu@ shaved that average family income was Rp 100.708, with family sizes consist of 5 - 6 people. Duration of father's education was 6,8 years while mother's education was 6,2 years. It was found that most children suffered from low Protein Energy Malnutrition (78,9%) and severe PEM (10,5%). On the average mothers spent 5,7 hourslday, in-which 2,59 hours were allocated for playing and interacting with their chilciien. The quality of mothering, either feeding practices (50,0%) or caring practices were (65,8%) categorized in moderate level. There was negative correlation between age of parents, age of chiben, and family size with quantity of mothering, while positive correlation was established between feeding practices with age of mothers. Sign@cant and positive correlation was also established between feeding practices and nutritional status of the children. Therefore the study recommended to revitalize "posyandu" in order to improve mother's knowledge about nutrition especially feeding and caring practices and to empower the family as well. | id |