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dc.contributor.authorEkasari, Amaliah
dc.contributor.authorSunarti, Euis
dc.contributor.authorMartianto, Dewi Hastuti
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT. The objective of the sfu4 is to determine the relationship between family resources and mother's care with PEM status of underfive children. The research was conducted in Kelurahan Cikaret and Desa Ranmaya, Kecamakm Bogor Selatan, Kotancadya Bogor. Samples of the study was 105 PI34 children aged II-59 month whose mothers are primary caregiver. Data was analyzed by using Spearman's rank test, t-test, and regression analysis. Result showed that there were 547 pertcent and 48, I percent of moderate PEA4 children in Kelurahan Cikaret and Desa Rancamv respectively, while severe PEM children were found in Kelurahan Cikaret (1,9%) and Desa Rancamaya (5,8%). Economic resources had signijkant correlation with mother's care. Non economic resources had significant correlation with mother' care especially sanitation practices, mother's Knowledge and educational &nment. PPositive correlation was also found between sanitation practices and PEM status (% BB/U). Mother's care were influence by mother's knowledge (p 0,635), family's asset (j9= 0,362) and mother's educational attainment (@ 0,056). Mother's care was not signjficantly rehted to PEM status of
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XXIV No.2
dc.titleHubunan Ketersediaan Sumberdaya Keluarga dan Tingkat Kepedulian Ibu dengan Status Kurang Energi Protein (Kep)Anak Balitaid
dc.title.alternativeMedia Gizi dan Keluarga, Desember 2000, Vol.XXIV No.2

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