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dc.contributor.authorElisabeth, Jenny
dc.contributor.authorYuliani, T.
dc.contributor.authorTambunan, P.M.
dc.contributor.authorPurba, J.M.
dc.description.abstractSeveral lipases from mkrobial end planf, i.e Rhizomu~xm M ,P seudomonas sp., C-a &&a rice bran, and C&a Dapaya latex (CPL) were examined for synthesis of mega3 (R3) PUFA* &ce& by hydroljrsls and W S reaction. Tuna d was used in hydraljlsis reaction, whereas tuna and pdm oils were used as s m e of trig&cerMe (TAG) mdecules and n-3 PUFA concentrate hnn tuna oil as source of EPA and DHA in acdolpsk reaction. For hyd-is &ion, the lice bm and CPL Iipases showed the lowest hyddyik &My of the tuna dl, whereas the R. miehei l i p e showed the h i m f hydtdytb adMy but was unable to hyddyze EPA and DM. On the contrary, the C. a n f d a cnd Pseudomonas sp. lipases acfed stronger on hydrdyk of DM ester bond than PA. For 8cMysk mbion, dl the @ass showed abilify to incorporde n-3 PUFA into tuna and palm oils. C. antartka /@Be had the maximum DM hcoiporm into tuna and palm ok,h eb tm lipese had n?lwsi milar abaity wth R. miehei w e ,a nd fhe CPL lipese had the lowest ability. mis stu@pmved that r b bran and CPl lipases also had tmesfe&a?ion act&& andshowed the andshowedfheibihly of the rice bran lipase to be a biocdalyst form 3 PUFA-rich &wide production. Increasing the substrate ratio, of n-3 PUFA concent* and tuna CK pakn oil, could increase the EPA and DM i-. The R. miehei, h e bran, md CPL lipases unabled to inccvporate DHA into DMcontaining ~~ mdecule, whereas C. antaika @seh ad the c@iMyi n high ratio ofn-3 PUFA concentrate to d. kb,the lipases were easier to incorpcKse n-3 PUFA into palm oil than tuna 4 since the TAG moledes of p&n d was not as compla as tuna oil. If c d be sbygested that the k'pases did not on& have acyl chain and p o s i l M speckly, but butlo the whole glyceride structure spec1dyid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XII No.1
dc.titleKajian Sifat Spesifitas Beberapa Jenis Lipase Terhadap Asam Lemak Omega-3id
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan, Vol.XII No.1, Th. 2001

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