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dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, A. Rika
dc.description.abstractFungal cant- of hockfull5 or hods duhg the storage period is becoming a serious matter. Qmtikation method is needed for quek'fyng storage method and its evakkting contminanf so tM a qukk fu~@ and its m d M e ~~ ccn be used to prevent further contminanion. One defecthg method was measurhg efgmterd contcnf. Ergostem/ is a sterd gwp ccmpound, which $ a conttuting component of spec& membrme on fun@ end if does noi exist on other m i c m m s . The okjedive of the reseerch is to describe fun@ c o n t m i ni~n w heat h rdu nhg the storage period based on its w p t e dc ontent. Egosterd wekrh 8nd micmbiiologjcal evduafiotI am aimed to deternine the content of ergosterd end to defernine fungel species. Ergosterd content is measwed by WLC and hga/ species is determined by the isdation and micmcopk ideMc&ion. The mu# of this research is fungi.$ contmhdion cm be detected by ergostend ewe/uafiotI end mhbM~$iciJ. The lowest deteded ergostem/ content was 0.21 1 p p . Etpsterd content increased s@ificcn& during storage pehd which intikafes that fungel contdanf level increased is well. The defermined thgi sp& wen, lbund in high and /ow guten of wheat flour which w e p d W to produce
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XIII, No.3
dc.titleDeteksi Ergosterol sebagai Indikator Kontaminasi Cendawan pada Tepung Teriguid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol.XIII, No.3

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