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dc.contributor.authorTata, Made Hesti Lestari
dc.contributor.authorJusuf, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorSuwanto, Antonius
dc.contributor.authorWidyastuti, Utut
dc.description.abstractSaccknm#yces cenoisiae Hansen .ad Schizosacchatvmycrs pombe Lindner genome were isolated by the in siru lysist of the cells in an agarme gel This approach will produce an intact DNA. Chromosome separntioa by Palsed Fteld Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) was well separated. Based on ektropboregram, S. cenviske KA311A, KIWllB, S and F strains were separated into 13,1415 and 16 chmnsosomes, rcspectivdy. Total liloleeular weight chromosomes ranged from 10,649 to 13,185 Wls bnse pairs. Variation of total genome size and individually separated chromosomes indicated tbat S. cemkias Lad chromosome pdymorpbysm. This study demonstrasted that individual chromosome size mensmd witbout data trrrasfonnation gave similar results to tbe ekctrophoregrsm in eoraprison with the data obtained through transformation into their l~mvalues. S c ~ c k n m # ~ c -ebes genome was abk to be separated into three individual chromosomes tbat produced three distinct bands of
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.2, No.1
dc.titleAnalisis DNA Kromosom Saccharomyces cerevisiae dan Schizosaccharomyces pombe untuk Standar Ukuran Molekul DNA Linear Berukuran Besarid
dc.title.alternativeHayati, Juni 1995, Vol.2, No.1

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