Stabilitas Pseudomonas putida dalam Medium Pembawa dan Potensinya sebagai Pupuk Hayati
SbIsiUty d B d ~ l )puClid~a h Some CInitrs and Ib Potential m Biofdizcr. Bseudavntmads dl 4 ~ L a b h gplr ic-isms can be lssed as biofertillzer beerrust of tbeir aWty to prodace growth mguWQT, to suppms patbogtnk mkroorg8nbm and te s e l u b h uardubb pboephate compo~~&B Yad on tborc rrrrsoae this e%perlmeat wm earrkd out to d d y the nbbillty of Psedmawkw pdSdr h some carrkn and to inveotlgate the mk of this b.etda om eom p w t b planted he clddi, &tar kkdlr &C~ITu&seYd wSe re peat and compost, either with sr WCIhout 18% of imdite, pcb'ds Iroenhted in tlaoc carriers were stored at two ttmpcrntures I n 4 and 28% for 16 weeks Pseudomoans patidn h some carrkrs survived up to tbe 16th wHk witb tbe pap*Mier ot (4-44) x lo1' cell per gram, wbik its ability to' sokbilizc tbe rock phoqibatt not decreased during tbc storage. Tbe cwuptjst containing 10% zeolite, s t o d at 2g°C was fottnd to be tbe best c a l s . That of carrier contabiyg P. plrlida when applkd as biofertikr &ads to kc- tbe beigbt, dry weight, and tbe pbospborous content of four weeks corn piant t&w.