dc.description.abstract | The sady was designed to isolate and identify senun IgG of native and imported chickens, after being immunized with Newcastle Disease Veccine. The isolation method used was the DEAE-Cellulose ion ex-e chromatography using 0.01 M Tris-HCI buffer, at pH 8.0, with linear gradient NaCl from 0.01 M to 0.30 M after salting out with anhydrous NaS04. Identification of IgG characteristics was carried out using the Ouchbrlony QuMe bnmunodifftsion, immuno-electrophorcsis and SDS-PAGE 8% methods. S e m M d o n of native and impmtul chickem using the DEAE-Cellulose chromatography, after salting eat with anhydrous N@@ of 18.14 and 14*4 resulted in four peaks of protein fractions. Fractions 1,2 and 3 showed positive redone with specific rabbit anti chicken IgG (SIGMA) on Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion. With the i m m u n o e l ~ r e s ims e thod, however, fractions 1 and 2 showed positive reactions with specific rabbit anti chicken IgG (SIGMA), native chicken and imported chicken antisera The results of the experimcntsuggestd that protein M o m1 ,2 and 3 wtre subclasseso f S C NI~gG of native and i c h i i h . Fractions 1 and 1 (wgpstcd to be ubclasa of I@) of native chickens+ concentrations end lower molearler weights than those of imported chickens. Protein merupakan suatu instrumen yang mengekspresikan infoqnasi genetik (Lehninger, 1988). Protein serum tewtarna fraksi im~n~lobulin-merupakans uatu fraksi globulin senun yang berhubungan dengan akt' pertahanan tubuh. Imunoglobulin G (IgG) yang merupakan kelas imunogI6 ? ulin terbanyak dalam serum darah, berperan utama dalam mekanisme kekebalan yang diperantarai oleh antibodi. Ber- . dasarkan perbedslan urutan asam amino rantai berat, variasi ikatan silang sulfida (Weir, 1990) dan perbedaan berat molekul (Kresno, 199 l), IgG beberapa spesies hewan terbagi atas subkelas yang memiliki sifat yang berbeda antara lain sifat antigenik, respon terhsdap antigen dan reaksi pengikatannya, perbedaan mobilitas elektroforetik, mekanisme selektif tramport dan sifat biologis lainnya yang berhubungan dengan sistim ') Sctwgian dari tesis S2 pcnulis pertama di Program Pascasarjana IPB Bogor. ** K-i Pcmbimbii di Program Parcasajana IPB Bogor. * Shfkngajar Jurusan P. K i i a FPMIPA KIP Medan. | id |