Pencemaran Udara dan Kebisingan Sumber Energi Diesel (Studi Kasus di PLTD Kota Bitung Sulawesi Utara)
The aims of this research am to find out : 1) The air po#iutisn bvel as a result of the diesel energy source activity. 2) The noise W as a mu8 d ttte diesel energy actfvity. The research was conducted in PLTD Kota Bjtung Pwnsi Sulamsi Utara. The data was colected from February to Jwte 1999. The conclsh of this m?ach am : 1) Aft parameters of ak q* : S02, NO2, H2S, NH3 and CO are still under the standart limit quality of the mambknf air quality. 2) The noiiFg level as an impact of the PLTD Bitung activity at ail fW?rvmto catktn until 100 m distances was de8dy over the standard limit quality noise that is pemlted.
- Buletin Kimia [6]