Evaluasi Persamaan Infiltrasi Kostiakov dan Philip Secara Empirik untuk Tanah Regosol Coklat Kekelabuan
Inmation is important to note because it is related to potential surface run-08 jlood, erosion, water storage of soil, and stream discharge especially during dry season. However, because the infiltration equation is valid for certain condition of the land measured, it is important to collect infltartion data on all types ofsoil manually. This research is mainly to evaluate constants of infltration equation formulated by Kostiakov (constants K and n) and Philip (constants C and D) in relation with initial soil water content. The measurements are on vegetated soil and bare soil. The evaluation shows that strong relationship occours between initial soil water content with (u) constant K in both the vegetated soil and bare soil at the average depth; (b) constant D in the vegetated soil at the average depth, and in bare soil the depth 0- 10 cm. However, the constan K in the vegetated soil at the average depth showed the strongest relationship.