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dc.contributor.authorMunthe, Pande
dc.contributor.authorPandjaitan, Nora H.
dc.description.abstractThe increasing of food dem~~nudn d rnuintcrining the nulional .f;)od selj supporting progrun~ have become the govertnenf concenl. On the other .siclejirml 1cr11d convertion (especiully in Juvu und Buli) into non:firrtn Iund hu.s incretrsed So, [IS one of the .solution, the goverment has opened inany new farm luntls o~itsie/e Jctvu. Most oj the111 are tidcrl luntl. li'ciul 1und.s need UII uccurtile conslrzfction tmd water rli~rnagenlents ystem. ?'he ~ ~ iotfnth e sttrdy is to c/eterrnine the tvuter ~~rirnugemesnyts tetrl jOr ticl~r/ irrigtrrion ltnid (on furining level) by corrtrollirig wcrter surfice crccording to the cropping perttern. The loccilion oj' sttrdy is Teltrng I tidul irrigcrtiorr err-err, Kubzyuten ~LfirsBi unyt~ersinS, ozlth Stml~rtercr. B,v ol~tinlizingt he water nlcrncrgetnent, the cropping ptdtern ccrn he chtrnge~l fiotlr p~i~leiy-secondc rop into paddy - pachiy (gerljtlll) withoul irt-igcrtio~~. C'on.siile~i17wg ater szipply, water qziulity crnd phyrit tlepth lhe cropping p~literno f Tel~riig I Irrigution urecr can be changed The szrggested cropping ptrttern ~rre j ) ~ ~ / t +- p~rddy- paddy Cfar lund class A und A/B), pciuZly - padcly - sccond crop Cfor land class B/C) and paddy - second crop - second crop for land clcrss C).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.12 No.2
dc.titleOptimasi Pengelolaan Air pada Lahan Irigasi Pasang Surut Telang I, Sumatera Selatanid
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Keteknikan Pertanian Vol.12 No.2, Agustus 1998

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