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dc.contributor.authorPrabawa, Sigit
dc.contributor.authorPramudya, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorDjojomartono, Moeljarno
dc.contributor.authorChozin, Muhamad Achmad
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the research is to build the setup n~odel of jurm machinery and equipment for zip land sugar cane indzlstry. From this model can be determined: (I) selection of farm n~uchinery/eyu@ri7en(t2, ) ~zutnbero f farm machinery/equipment, and (3) optitnun? longevrty of ratoon. The result shows that the technolog?, consideration hus been the priniary consideration on farm tnachinery and eqztipnzent selection. The next is econonzy consideration. The attention for social and environment consideration is poor. The result indicates thut the number of far111 nzachinery and equipn~ent for plant cane decrease with longer ratoon. The number of f w ~ nm achinery and equipment for ratoon cane increuse with longer ratoon. Meanwhile the number of farm nzachinery and equipnzent for plant cane and ratoon cane ctre constunt, although longer ratoorl. The number of tractor decrease with longer ratoon. The result also shows that the cane prodz~ction cost decl-ease with longer ratoon. The optirnunz longevity of ratoon in Gunung Madu Plantations Ltd. is first ratoon. Whereas, the optirnuni longevity of ratoon in Jatitujuh Sugar Cane Industry is third ratoon. The longevity of ratoon can be continued as far as the profit will be
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.14 No.3
dc.titleModel Pengadaan Alat dan Mesin Budidaya Tebu Bagi Pabrik Gula di Lahan Keringid
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Keteknikan Pertanian Vol.14 No.3, Desember 2000

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