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dc.contributor.authorSapei, Asep
dc.contributor.authorSembiring, E. Namaken
dc.contributor.authorPramuhadi, Gatot
dc.description.abstractThe soil strength characteristic, which is usually e.xpressed by cohesion and internal piction, is as basic data for applying farm machineries/equipments and farm structures. The objective of this research is to study the soil strength and density relationships of latosol and red yellowish podzolic soil. This research was conducted by standard compaction test and soil strength test (uniaxial, direct shear and triaxiul). The results showed that the maximum densities were between 1.12 - 1.48 and the optimum water contents were between 23 - 48 %. The soil strength reached the ma~imumva lues ifsoils were compacted at water content just smaller than optimum water content. The soil strength pat.anreters obtained were: rnaximum qus' were between 2.3 - 3.7' , cohesion were between 0.3 - 1.2 kg.$cm-2 (direct shear) and between 1.16 - 1.39 kg.jcm-' (triaxial); and internalfiiction were between 37" - 52" (direct shear)id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.14 No.1
dc.titleKajian Hubungan Antara Kekuatan Tanah dengan Densitas pada Tanah Latosol dan Podsolik Merah Kuningid
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol.14 No.1, April 2000

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