Jurnal Ilmu Komputer: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-74 of 74
Evaluasi kinerja algoritme join pada basis data Obyek-Relasional
(2003)Evaluasi Kierja Algoritme Join pada Basis Data Obyek-Relasional -
Algoritme blowfish untuk peyandian pesan
(2003)algoritme Pemotong Akhiran Baku untuk Kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis algoritme Porter -
Klasifikasi Citra Menggunakan Metode Minor Component Analysis pada Sistem Temu Kembali Citra
(2010)This paper presents a method for image classification. In content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system, retrieving process is done by comparing a query image to all images from image database. This process is not effective ... -
Koreksi Ejaan Query Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Algoritme Damerau Levenshtein
(2010)Query spelling on search engine is important to improve the quality information searching result. When user types query for search engine input, sometime spelling mistakes occurred due to position of keyboard and finger ... -
Pengembangan Sistem Pembentukan Word Graph untuk Teks Berbahasa Indonesia
(2010)Knowledge graph is a new method which is used to describe and model natural language or human language. A word is a basic unit of natural language processing. Word graph is a graph which has connected structure of words. ... -
Penentuan Rute Terpendek Menggunakan Variasi Fungsi Heuristik Algoritme A* Pada Mobile Devices
(2010)GPS (Global Positioning System) is a technology that can help people in reaching the destination place in a fastest time and shortest route. Many mobile devices, some of them are cellular phones, have GPS facility. But ... -
Perbandingan Algoritme Pruning pada Decision Tree yang Dikembangkan dengan Algoritme CART
(2010)Pruning is part of the development of decision tree. As decision tree is developed, some nodes became outliers as the results of noise data. Implementation of the decision tree pruning, can reduce the noise and outliers ... -
Sistem Rekomendasi Penambahan Link pada Website berdasarkan Data Log Website
(2010)A good website structure is needed by the website visitors. The website structure which is created by by the website developer should be in accordance with user preferences. The easier the user can find the target page, ... -
Penambahan Modul Updating Data pada OLAP Berbasis Web untuk Persebaran Hotspot di Wilayah Indonesia Menggunakan Palo 2.5
(2010)This research is continues the previous work in developing data warehouse and web-based OLAP for hotspot distribution in Indonesia using Palo 2.0. This research build a module to update data in data warehouse so that new ... -
Sistem Informasi Geografi Fasilitas Kota Bogor Berbasis Web Menggunakan ALOV Map
(2010)Bogor Map which available until October 2008 is limited in presenting geographic location information in table and static map (image with JPEG or TIFF Format). The Map is also uncovering Bogor city completely. The information ... -
Perbandingan Kualitas Layanan Wireless VOIP pada Codec G.711, G.723 dan G.729
(2010)Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that enable voice message transmission over data network (internet protocol). Codec is algorithm or special computer program to reduce number of bytes. The usage of ... -
Pengenalan Chord pada Alat Musik Gitar Menggunakan CodeBook dengan Teknik Ekstraksi Ciri MFCC
(2010)Human auditory system is capable of extracting rich and meaningful data from complex audio signal. To recognize chord sequences that played in some kind of music is not an easy task. People need big effort to train their ... -
Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Udang Windu (Penaeus Monodon) Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy [Publikasi]
(2010)Udang windu (Penaeus monodon) merupakan salah satu jenis udang yang sangat menarik dan menguntungkan untuk dipelihara. Kendala terbesar dari pemeliharaan udang windu ini adalah penyakit yang sering menyerang udang dengan ... -
Pengembangan Tool Pencahayaan 3D Berbasis Array dengan MAXScript
(2010)Array lighting uses a group of light behaving and functioning as a single light. this method can be used to simulate the effect of global ilumunination in less time. In this research, Ctylight, an array-based 3d lighting ...