Media Veteriner: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-107 of 107
Infeksi Dirofilaria immitis pada Anjing: Kajian Patologik
(1995)Tiga ekor anjing yang terinfeksi secara alami oleh Dirofilaria immitis (DI) menunjukkan perubahan patologik sebagai berikut: ditemukan cacing dewasa pada ventrikel dan dilatasi jantung kanan, pneumonia, limfadenitis, ... -
Portal Blood Flow of Female Growing and lactating Goats on Different Food Intakes
(1997)Net production or uptake rates of the portal drained viscera (PDV) were estimated by measuring portal venous blood flow (PBF) according to the Fidc principle in asmiation with measurement of arterio-venous blood concentration ... -
Methodological Approaches in Ruminant Metabolic Research
(1997)Climatic htors of high temperatures and humidities of humid tropical countries, alongside with the occmence of diseases and parasites have created a complex situation in terms of the effect on animal production. Studies ... -
Pengaruh Tingkat Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Rumput Gajah ( Pennisetum purpureum Scumach) dan Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor Moench)
(1997)Pertumbuhan dan produksi bahan kering Rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) dan Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor Moench) pada pemberian tiga tingkat pupuk kandang telah diteliti selama lima bulan. Total pupuk kandang segar ... -
Hubungan Konsentrasi Ion Kalium dengan Jumlah Bakteri dan Sel Somatik dalam Susu Serta Skor California Mastitis Test pada Domba
(2006)Thirty two lactating ewes were observed for 12 weeks to study the relationship between the concentration of milk potassium ion and the total bacterial count, somatic cell count and the scores of Californian mastitis test ... -
In Vitro Development of Holstein and Japanese Black Breeds Embryo
(1996)Two experiments were conducted with 3,457 oocytes, aspirated from the ovaries of slaughtered Holstein and Japanese Black breeds cows to compare the use of superovulated cow serum (SCS) and fetal calf serum (FCS) supplementation ... -
Isolat Strepcoccus agalactiae Asal Sapi Penderita Mastitis Subklinis : I. Ekspresi fenotip isolat inVitro
(1997)Thirty six isolates Streptococcus agalactiae from subclinical mastitis cattle in Bogor were esanlincd their phenotypic espressions such as hemolytic pattern. supernatant turbidity in liquid medium, and colony morphology ...