Media Konservasi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 161
Nesting Success of Large-billed Gerygone magnirostris and Mangrove G. levigaster in the Mangroves of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
(2007)Despite its large distribution, very few studies have been done on the reproductive ecology of the genus Gerygone, a member of the family of Australo-Papuan warblers. Mangrove Gerygone and Large-billed Gerygone use mangrove ... -
Vegetation Structure of Dipterocarpaceae Perenget Forest in Nahuang Hill, Muller Mountain, Central Kalimantan
(2007)Ecological research for inventory of plant and vegetation structure was conducted at Nahuang forest, Muller Mountains, Central Kalimantan. Seven plots of observation of 20 x 50 m2 were established based on the existing ... -
Fecal Estrogen And Progesterone Analysis In The Captive Javan Gibbon (Hylobates Moloch Audebert 1797) Maintained in Individual Cage
(2007)Pengukuran estron terkonjugasi (E1C) dan pregnanediol glucuronat (PdG) di feses dilakukan pada tiga ekor Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch AUDEBERT 1797) betina untuk mengevaluasi fungsi ovarium ketiga owa tersebut yang masing-masing ... -
Pemetaan kesesuaian habitat owa jawa (Hylobates moloch Audebert 1797) di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Salak
(2007)Sylvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch) is endemic species in western part of Java Island. Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park currently is known to be place of viable population for the species. Threatened on habitat is a primary ... -
Community’s Attitudes and Conservation: An Analysis of of Kedawung (Parkia timoriana (DC.) Merr.), Stimulus of Medicinal Plant for the Community, Case in Meru Betiri National Park
(2007)Ten years of direct experience in Meru Betiri National Park has shown that conservation and community’s attitude was closely related formed one action unit. This research tested whether pendarungs6) and managers understood ... -
Diversity Identification on The Pteridophytes Epiphyte at The Log Over Area At Malinau Forest Research – CIFOR Seturan
(2007)The aim from this research is to found out the various kinds of Pteridophytes epiphytes and its porophyte in the log over area to the broadness of 12 hectares in the Malinau Research Forest (MRF-CIFOR) Seturan – district ... -
The Economic Aspect of the Exertion Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park in the Regency of Sumedang West Java
(2007)Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park (MKHP) as one of the 14 hunting parks exist in Indonesia has a prospective future. The potency of biophysic area which cover the area, accessibility, topography and vegetation condition can ... -
Habituation of axis deer–axis axis erxleben, 1777 in captive breeding by calling, clothes colour and urine
(2006)The experiment was carried out to study habituation of axis deer in captive by calling, urine and clothes colour. Fifteen individuals of axis deer (7 males and 8 females) were used to test the effect of calling, urine and ... -
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam toward green province : opportunity and obstacle
(2006)In order to support the new wave of environmental movement in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, so called the logging moratorium and green province, a three months qualitative study has been taken. The study has been aimed to find ... -
Sex Determination Using Morphological Characteristics and Daily Behaviour of Javan Sparrow (Padda oryzivora Linn, 1758) in Captive Breeding
(2006)Java sparrow is endemic species to Java, Bali and Bawean Island, but now introduced widely to Southeast Asia region and Srilangka. The species now scarce as a result of massive capture for the pet trade. A research on sex ... -
The Potency of Medicinal Plants as A Multi Function Phytobiotic to Improve Performance and Health Condition of Wild Animals in Captivity
(2006)Managing the feeding program is the most important concept in feeding of wild animals in captivity to maintain their performance, health condition and absolutely sustainability. Since the use of medicine plants show ... -
Utilization of plant genetic biodiversity by Tugutil tribe in Aketajawe Lolobata National Park
(2006)Indonesia is one of the richnest country in biodiversity, including the higest of diversity of agriculture genetic resources. Tugutil society is one ethnic in halmahera which have well knowledges in used of genetic resouces. ... -
Populasi dan Habitat Merak Hijau Jawa (Pavo muticus muticus Linnaeus, 1758) Di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo, Jawa Timur
(2006)Kajian terhadap populasi dan habitat merak hijau jawa (Pavo muticus muticus Linnaeus, 1758) telah dilakukan selama 3 bulan, Agustus-Oktober 2004 di taman nasional Alas Purwo, Banyuwangi. Pengamatan terhadap populasi dilakukan ... -
The use of BAP and TDZ for propagation of agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.
(2006)Agarwood (A. malaccensis Lamk.) is one of the important tropical forest trees, which produces a high economically valuable fragrant resinous wood. The increase of agarwood demand from year to year leads to uncontrolled ... -
Population Trend of Rafflesia zollingeriana Kds. in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java
(2006)Rafflesia zollingeriana Kds. is icon for the conservation of flora in Meru Betiri National Park. Population of R. zollingeriana in the last fifteen years tend to decrease. This condition due to natural disaster and illegal ... -
The Role of Sanrego (Lunasia amara Blanco) to Increasing Libido Sexual of Male Timor Deer (Cervus timorensis de Blainville, 18220)
(2006)This research was carried out to know the role of sanrego and the dosage responses of sanrego to increase libido sexual of male timor deer. Four sanrego levels (0, 600, 800 and 1000 mg/head/day) were tested to a total of ... -
Expenses and Earnings Study of Breeding of Long Tail Macaque with Open, Semi Open, and Closed Systems
(2006)The study was conducted to calculate the earning and expenses of three kinds breeding system of long tail macaque i.e open, semi-open and close breeding system, respectively in PT PRESTASI Farma Nusantara, CV New Inquitex ... -
Prospect of Sarcocystis singaporensis for the Biological Control of Rice Field Rats (Rattus argentiventer) Population
(2006)Rice field rats are important pests of paddy crop in Indonesia, because many unsuccessful paddy crop attacked by rats. Many rodenticide types are produced, especially chemical rodenticide type the actually effect of ... -
The use of thidiazuron, 2, 4 - d and giberellin in formation of somatic embryo of rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex kurz by in vitro culture
(2006)Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz, is one of the tropical forest plant species which is exploited as plant medicine and pertained as world rareness. To be able to make balance to storey, level request of Rauvolfia ... -
Analisis populasi dan habitat sebagai dasar pengelolaan rusa totol (Axis axis) di Taman Monas Jakarta
(2006)Since the chital deer species (Axis axis) in Taman Monas Jakarta has some functions such as conservation effort of wildlife animal, as education media for societies and for improving the esthetic value of the park there ...