Media Konservasi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 161
A Preliminary Study on Avian Diversity at the New City of Kemayoran Airport, Jakarta
(1993)The objective of this study was to reveal the avian divesity at KBBK through direct and indirect obsemtion. Based on a 3 day obsemtion, we found 50 species of birds, consisted of 17 species waterbirds, 4 species of marsh ... -
Socio Cultural Study of Communities for Biodiversity Conservation
(1993)An understanding of Human behaviour is one of the key factors for a successfull biodiversity conservation, because man is the major subject in natural resources management. Human ecology and rural sociology help to reveal ... -
Experimental Breeding of Rare Medicinal Plant Parkia roxburghii G. Don.
(1993)Kedawung (Ptukia roxburghii G. Don.) is a rare species of medicinal plants. Seeds of this plant are useful to relieve several types of stomach disorders, including cholera. The objective of this study is to examine the ... -
Potention and Substained Utilization Effort of Medicinal Plants in Meru Betiri National Park
(1991)Mend Betiri National Park is a conservation area inhabited by various jind of genetic resource, among others medicinal plants. Such areacontain less 88 medicinal plant species that potensially plqys a role as genetic ... -
The utilization of public land and environmental management in transmigration settlement
(1991)Environmental problems basically start with lack of awarness on good environment. If we relate this problem with ownership, the public land usually has its own problem due to lack of personal responsibility in managing the ... -
The Role of Vegetation in The Environment
(1989)Vegetation plogs a variety of roles in the environment. Through the understanding of these roles, sometimes it is necessary to directly control the wildlife population, instead, it suffices to control the plant communities ... -
Environmental Interpretation
(1989)Environmental Interpretation is one kind of service of the natural park are visitors, that can bridge between the visitors and the environmental and natural resources. The interpretationservices include information service; ... -
The Status of Sea Turtles in Indonesia
(1989)Evaluation of sea turtles in Indonesia was based on the suggestion of the Directorate General of PHPA to WWF/IUCN, to collect accurate data about sea turtle populations and their habitats in the Indonesian islands, as the ... -
Measures to Increase Wild Bird Populations in Urban Areas in Java
(1989)In a previous paper on management of urban birdlife the role of nest sites was discussed (Van Balen, 1987). Attention will be paid now to what measures could be taken to improve bird habitats in relation to food availability. ... -
Pangium edule, an Almost Forgotten Plant and Its Potential
(1989)Pangi (Pangium edule Reinw.) is one of the Indonesian plant, which is recently becoming rare, especially in Java and Sumatera. Based on the herbarium collections, the plant is distributed throughout Indonesia. It grows ... -
Bird Trading at The Pasar Pramuka, Jakarta and the Bird Catching Techniques
(1989)The observation of bird trading at the Pasar Pramuka, Jakarta was aimed to know the activity of bud sellers, catchers and consumers. There were 150.000 buds on sale in December 1987, including the protected buds. They ... -
Kehidupan dan Keanekaragaman Jenis Lebah di Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat
(1989)Beekeeping development in Indonesia is supported either by the presence of many bee species which have a high potential to produce honey and many flowering plant species. Moreover, beekeeping has long been introduced as ... -
Breeding Success of Edible-Nest Swiftlets in a Man-Made Nesting Habitat
(1997)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkapkan keberhasilan berbiak pada burung Walet Sarang Putih Collocaliaficiphaga yang berbiak dalam suatu habitat buatan (rumah walet) di Semarang. Pengamatan terhadap suatu koloni walet ... -
Pembangunan Hutan Kota di Indonesia
(1992)Urban forest is a unique forest resource. It can be used to overcome several problems which often appear in the city. There are more than 19 advantages of urban forest. To encourage the construction and development of urban ... -
Dampak Pencemaran Udara Terhadap Kesehatan Manusia dan Beberapa Komponen Sumberdaya Alam
(1989)Carbon-monoxide, chloro-fluorocarbon, nitrogen-oxides, carbondioxide, sulfur-oxides, hidrocarbons, particulate matters and others are known as potential air pollutants. These compounds can be released by automobiles, ... -
Tinjauan terhadap Pembangunan Sistem Kawasan Konservasi di Indonesia
(2001)lndonesia is categorized as one of the biodiversity centers in the world. The value of biological diversity as environmental, economic and social resources for maintaining the integrity and sustainability of natural systems ... -
Dampak Reklamasi Teluk Jakarta Pada Ekosistem Mangrove
(1996)Significant impack resulted from the reclamation of mangrove forests, will result in its dissappearancel functional changes which in turn will affect the sea productivity of Jakarta Ray and itr other functions such as ... -
Potensi Baha ya di Kawasan Wisata Gunung Bromo, Resort Tengger Laut Pasir, Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru, Jawa Timur
(2007)Hazard is something which is considered may cause accident. disaster. misery or losses, both in moral and material. According to the causing factors, hazard may occur due to natural factor and human factor. Potential hazard ... -
Pengamatan Burung-burung Air di Pantai Indramayu-Cirebon, Jawa Barat
(1996)A waterbird observation was conducted in October and November 1990 along the northern coast of West Java from lndramayu to Cirebon. During the study 27 waterbird species of 10 families were recorded. They inhabited two ... -
Observasi fauna burung di Tiom, Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya
(1991)An observation on birds in Tiom, especially in the Kenyam lowland-forest and the Bokon highlands, Jawawijaya, Irian Jaya was carried out in August to October 1990. Fourty one species were cencused and several of them were ...