Media Konservasi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 161
Population and Habitat Study of Javan Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus muticus Linnaeus 1758 ) at Ciawitali Teak forest Plantation of BKPH Buahdua and BKPH Songgom, KPH Sumedang
(2003)Kajian !erhadap populasi dan habitat merak hijau jawa (Pavo mutlcus mUlicus Linnacus, 1758) !elah dilakukan selama 4 bulan, Juni - September 2002 di hutan tanaman jati Ciawitali BKPH. Buahdua dan Songgom, KPH Sumedang. ... -
Demographic Parameters and Behaviours of Sulawesi Warty PIG (Sus celebensis Muller and Schlegel 1843) in Tanjung Peropa Wildlife Reserve, Southeast Sulawesi
(2008)Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepadatan populasi, ukuran populasi, struktur umur, jumlah anak per kelahiran (litter size) dan perilaku babi hutan sulawesi (warty pig) di Suaka Margasatwa Tanjung Peropa di Sulawesi ... -
Study on Local Distribution and Behaviour of Javan green Peafowl (Pavo muticus muticus Linnaeus 1758) at Meru Betiri National Park
(2004)Kajian lerhadap penyebaran lokal dan beberapa perilaku merak hijlU jawa (PQ1l0 muticul muticw Linnaeus. 1758) telah dilakukan selama 3 bulan. Juni - Aguslus 2001 di taman nasional Meru Beliri, Jawa Timur. Pengamatan ... -
Population And Habitat Of Javan Green Peafowl (Pavo Muticus Muticus Linnaeus 1758) At Alas Purwo National Park, East Java
(2006)Kajian terhadap populasi dan habitat merak hijau jawa (Pavo muticus muticus Linnaeus, 1758) telah dilakukan selama 3 bulan, Agustus-Oktober 2004 di taman nasional Alas Purwo, Banyuwangi. Pengamatan terhadap populasi dilakukan ... -
Evaluasi Rantai Permintaan Wisata Dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Ekowisata Di Kawasan Wisata Cibodas, Jawa Barat
(2014)Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan ekowisata di lokasi Ekowisata Cibodas, penelitian mengenai rantai permintaan perlu dilakukan dilakukan. Penyebaran kuesioner didistribusikan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih ... -
Kajian ekologi populasi rusa sambar (Cervus unicolor) dalam pengusahaan taman buru gunung masigit kareumbi
(2006)The result of Citra Landsat TM in June 2001 showed that the coverage of land in Gunung Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park area was charged. The area of protected are production forest have respectively decreased by 29.85% and ... -
Prospek penggunaan Sarcocystis singaporensis untuk pengendalian biologis populasi tikus sawah (Rattus argentiventer)
(2006)Rice field rats are important pests of paddy crop in Indonesia, because many unsuccessful paddy crop attacked by rats. Many rodenticide types are produced, especially chemical rodenticide type the actually effect of ... -
Penggunaan Thidiazuron, 2, 4 – D dan giberellin dalam pembentukan embrio somatik pule pandak (Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz) melalui kultur in vitro
(2006)Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz, is one of the tropical forest plant species which is exploited as plant medicine and pertained as world rareness. To be able to make balance to storey, level request of Rauvolfia ... -
Studi biaya dan pendapatan penangkaran monyet ekor panjang (macaca fascicularis raffles) dengan sistem terbuka, semi terbuka dan tertutup (expenses and earnings study of breeding of long tail macaque with open, semi open, and closed systems)
(2006)The study was conducted to calculate the earning and expenses of three kinds breeding system of long tail macaque i.e open, semi-open and close breeding system, respectively in PT PRESTASI Farma Nusantara, CV New Inquitex ... -
Studi keanekaragaman mamalia pada beberapa tipe habitat di Stasiun Penelitian Pondok Ambung Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting Kalimantan Tengah
(2008)Indonesia harbours the highest mammal diversity in the world with 436 species, of which 51 % are endemic. Kalimantan itself comprises of 222 species of mammals of which 44 species are endemic. This research was conducted ... -
Analisis pola penggunaan ruang dan wilayah jelajah banteng (bos javanicus d’alton, 1832) di taman nasional alas purwo jawa timur
(2007)Research on the pattern of bull’s spatial and homerange in Alas Ppurwo National Park, was carried out in 2 months, i.e. April-May 2006. The observation was done at four vegetation types were low-land forest, coastal forest, ... -
Pendugaan parameter demografi dan pola penyebaran spasial walabi lincah (Macropus agilis papuanus) di Kawasan Taman Nasional Wasur studi kasus di savana Campuran Udi-Udi Seksi Pengelolaan Iii Wasur, Papua
(2008)The aim of the study was to know the population condition in savannah invaded by plant of Melaleuca sp and Eucalyptus sp specially disavan of mixture Ud-Udi. Useful research as reference data in nimble population walabi ... -
Keanekaragaman jenis burung di beberapa tipe habitat taman nasional gunung ciremai
(2007)Research about Diversity of bird species at some habitat type in Ciremai Mountain National Park conducted by two months (Juni-Juli 2006). This reserch aim to compile the list of bird species at some habitat type, comparing ... -
Penentuan kuota buru dan introduksi populasi rusa sambar untuk menjamin perburuan lestari
(2008)Hunting quota is the number of animals of hunting species destined to harvesting from the hunting population in the current year. Setting hunting quota is designed to ensure sustainable use of hunting game and conservation ... -
Pendugaan model pertumbuhan dan penyebaran spasial populasi rusa timor (Cervus timorensis de Blainville, 1822) di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo Jawa Timur
(2008)Timor deer is ruminant mammals’ species with high adaptability which enable them to be introduced easily in to new habitat. The animal was experiencing population decrease which put them in the rare status. The research ... -
Aspek ekonomi finansial pengusahaan taman buru masigit kareumbi kabupaten sumedang jawa barat
(2007)Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park (MKHP) as one of the 14 hunting parks exist in Indonesia has a prospective future. The potency of biophysic area which cover the area, accessibility, topography and vegetation condition can ... -
Analisis faktor ekologi dominan pemilihan kumbangan oleh badak jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmrest 1822) di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
(2010)The characteristic of wallow can be one of standard or criteria of the iavan rhino habitat which will fu used for selection strategt of further igvalrhiy'1 wallow. The.objeaive of this sndy is to identify the wallow ... -
Studi karakteristik Kumbangan Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest 1822) di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
(2010)The characteristic of wallow can be one of standard or criteria of the javan rhino habitat that need for creating the second habitat which will be used for selection strategy of further javan rhino's wallow. The objective ...