Browsing Media Konservasi by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 161
Acid rain on several landuses in Bogor Regency and City
(2007)Acid rain is caused by increasing air pollution. The emission of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide from fossil fuel combustion into the atmosphere, which is followed by a chemical transformation (hydrolysis) into sulphuric ... -
Alternative management strategy for Kawah Kamojang Nature Recreational Park,Bandung Regency, West Java Province
(2005)Kawah Kamojang (Kamojang Crater) Nature Recreational Park is located in Bandung Regency within West Java Province. With regards to various stakeholders managing and utilizing the area, an appropriate strategic management ... -
Analisis faktor ekologi dominan pemilihan kumbangan oleh badak jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmrest 1822) di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
(2010)The characteristic of wallow can be one of standard or criteria of the iavan rhino habitat which will fu used for selection strategt of further igvalrhiy'1 wallow. The.objeaive of this sndy is to identify the wallow ... -
Analisis pola penggunaan ruang dan wilayah jelajah banteng (bos javanicus d’alton, 1832) di taman nasional alas purwo jawa timur
(2007)Research on the pattern of bull’s spatial and homerange in Alas Ppurwo National Park, was carried out in 2 months, i.e. April-May 2006. The observation was done at four vegetation types were low-land forest, coastal forest, ... -
Analisis populasi dan habitat sebagai dasar pengelolaan rusa totol (Axis axis) di Taman Monas Jakarta
(2006)Since the chital deer species (Axis axis) in Taman Monas Jakarta has some functions such as conservation effort of wildlife animal, as education media for societies and for improving the esthetic value of the park there ... -
Analysis on the Pattern of Spatial Use and Home Range of Bull - Bos javanicus d'Alton, 1832 in Alas Purwo National Park, East Java
(2007)Research on the pattern of bull’s spatial and homerange in Alas Ppurwo National Park, was carried out in 2 months, i.e. April-May 2006. The observation was done at four vegetation types were low-land forest, coastal forest, ... -
Analyze of Management Strategy and Institution Participation In Concervation of Sentani Lake, Jayapura
(2008)The Sentani Lake located at Jayapura regency which covered : east Sentani District, Sentani District, and West Sentani district. Other area located in Jayapura city. Sentani lake has 9630 ha area with 52 m depth and 72 m ... -
Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing for ANSWERS Hydrological Model in Predicting Erosion and Sedimentation Case Study: Cipopokol Water Cathment Area, Cisadane Hulu Sub Watershed, Bogor District
(2007)Forest conversion in watershed may lead to erosion, sedimentation, and water quantity fluctuation. Prediction of erosion and sedimentation quantity is one way to describe condition of a watershed. ANSWERS is one of good ... -
Aspek ekonomi finansial pengusahaan taman buru masigit kareumbi kabupaten sumedang jawa barat
(2007)Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park (MKHP) as one of the 14 hunting parks exist in Indonesia has a prospective future. The potency of biophysic area which cover the area, accessibility, topography and vegetation condition can ... -
Base line study of bird at cooper mining exploration area of PT Batutua Kharisma Permai in Wetar Island, Maluku Province
(2005)Studi ekologi dasar mengenai burung dilakukan di Pulau Wetar selama 2 minggu (Juni 2005) di areal eksplorasi tambang tembaga PT Batutua Kharisma Permai. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, keanekaragaman jenis, kelimpahan, ... -
Bioecological of kedawung (Parkia timoriana (DC) Merr.) medicinal plant in natural forest Meru Betiri National Park
(2007)The article was describe some aspect of bioecological Parkia timoriana DC Merr in Meru Betiri National Park i.e. ecological characteristis, population dan regenration status, seed production, seed dispersal dan seed ... -
Bird Diversity of Betung Kerihun National Park, Regency of Kapuas Hulu,Province of East Borneo
(2005)This observation objection to cover bird diversity in Sibau Watershed, Betung Kerihun National Park (BKNP). The observation was done in along river (Sibau Rill, Sibau River, Apyang River, Menyakan River) and hill (Menyakan ... -
Bird Trading at The Pasar Pramuka, Jakarta and the Bird Catching Techniques
(1989)The observation of bird trading at the Pasar Pramuka, Jakarta was aimed to know the activity of bud sellers, catchers and consumers. There were 150.000 buds on sale in December 1987, including the protected buds. They ... -
Botanic Gardens and Their Role in Plant Biodiversity Conservation
(1992)Kebun raya telah memainkan pcranan pentingdalam kebudayaan dan peradaban manusia. Kcllun raya dalam arti koleksi spesimen tumhuhan hidup tumbuh dan berkemhang untuk berbagai tujuan. antara laln: pendidikan, rekreasi, ... -
Breeding Success of Edible-Nest Swiftlets in a Man-Made Nesting Habitat
(1997)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkapkan keberhasilan berbiak pada burung Walet Sarang Putih Collocaliaficiphaga yang berbiak dalam suatu habitat buatan (rumah walet) di Semarang. Pengamatan terhadap suatu koloni walet ... -
Community’s Attitudes and Conservation: An Analysis of of Kedawung (Parkia timoriana (DC.) Merr.), Stimulus of Medicinal Plant for the Community, Case in Meru Betiri National Park
(2007)Ten years of direct experience in Meru Betiri National Park has shown that conservation and community’s attitude was closely related formed one action unit. This research tested whether pendarungs6) and managers understood ... -
Conditions of Vegetation and Population of Rafflesia patma Blume in Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve
(2008)Rafflesia patma Blume is a holoparasite plant. This species is protected by law due to its rarity. The study of vegetation and population conditions of R.. patma was conducted in Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve, Garut, ... -
Conservation of Amphibian in Indonesia: Global Problems and Challenges
(2007)This paper reviews potential causes of amphibian population declines in Indonesia in relation to global amphibian declines. At least six factors were identified: over-harvesting, loss of forest and wetland habitats, ... -
Conservation of Rafflesia hasseltii Suringar in Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park, Riau-Jambi
(1999)Rafflesia hasseltii Suringar was found at Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. Local name of this species is "cendawan muka harimua". Habitat of R. hasseltii is lowland rain forest. As a holoparasite, R. hasseltii has no steam ... -
Dampak Pencemaran Udara Terhadap Kesehatan Manusia dan Beberapa Komponen Sumberdaya Alam
(1989)Carbon-monoxide, chloro-fluorocarbon, nitrogen-oxides, carbondioxide, sulfur-oxides, hidrocarbons, particulate matters and others are known as potential air pollutants. These compounds can be released by automobiles, ...