Media Gizi dan Keluarga: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 92
Pengaruh PMT-Pemulihan Dengan Formula Who/Modifikasi Terhadap Status Gizi Anak Balita Kep Di Kota Malang
(2005)Protein-Energy Malnutrition among under five children is a nutrition problem in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to find out the effect of supplementary feeding using WHO formulated/modified formulated foods on ... -
Pengaruh Pemberian Kalium Sorbat Dan Natrium Klorida Pada Pembentukan Histamin Ikan Cakalang
(2005)Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis L) doesn not have spoiling process such as another kind of fish, but the fish can make allergic or poisson for people who eat it, such as fever, face, and red-neck, dizzy, etc. To inhibit ... -
Pengaruh Tekanan Ekonomi Keluarga, Dukungan Sosial, Kualitas Perkawinan, Pengasuhan, Dan Kecerdasan Emosi Anak Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Anak
(2005)The general objectives of the study were to analyze correlation between all observed variables, to analyze the influence of economic pressure on marital quality and parenting quality; and to analyze the influence marital ... -
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Menuju Ketahanan Pangan Dan Perbaikan Gizi, Di Kabupaten Cianjur: Fase Pemantapan
(2005)The objectives of this study were to strengthen the programs of community empowerment toward food security and improvement of nutritional status. Its determine through community participatory approach, a selected families ... -
Kontroversi Konsep GL Ycaemicindex Pada Penatalaksanaan Diet Penderita Diabetes Melitus
(2005)Since introduced in 1981 by David Jenkins, concept of glycaemic index is considered to be the corner stone in the nutrition intervention approaches for diabetes, weight reduction, and physical performance. Concept of ... -
Konsumsi Pangan, Status Gizi Dan Kesehatan Anak Retardasi Mental Di Kota Medan
(2005)The objectives of this study were to investigate factors relating with mental retardation, and to analyze food consumption, nutritional status, health status and development of retarded children. Retrospective and cross ... -
Konsumsi Pangan, Pengeluaran Energi Dan Ketahanan Fisik Taruna Akademi Kepolisian Semarang
(2005)A good physical endurance is closely related to exercises and nutrition. In a good nutritional status, people can achieve high physical endurance. Objectives of this research were: I) to study consumption of food, energy ... -
Ketahanan Keluarga, Manajemen Stres, Serta Pemenuhan Fungsi Ekonomi Dan Fungsi Sosialisasi Keluarga Korban Kerusuhan Aceh
(2005)The objectives of this research were to analize : I) family strength before and after relocation, 2) family stress management; family changes, family reorientation, coping strategy, and stress level, and 3) the accomplishment ... -
Fatty Acid Intake Of The Bataknese Lactating Women Consuming The Torbangun Soup (Coleus amboinicus Lour)
(2005)Pemanfaatan tumbuhan yang berkhasiat untuk kesehatan ibu yang sedang menyusui banyak dijumpai di beberapa negara di kawasan Asia. Salah satu contohnya adalah pemanfaatan daun tumbuhan Torbangun (Coleus amboinicus LOUT) di ... -
Evaluasi Penerapan Baku Prosedur Operasi Sanitasi Di Unit Usaha Makanan Dan Minuman Masyarakat Sekitar Kampus
(2005)Standard Operating Procedures for Sanitation (SOP Sanitation) is a standard procedures sanitation in food processing recommended to be applied at Community Food Services such as cafe, cafetaria, food catering, and food ... -
Effect Of Consumption Of Torbangun Soup (Coleus amboinicus Lour) On Micronutrient Intake Of The Bataknese Lactating Women
(2005)Defisiensi zat gizi mikro merupakan salah satu masalah utama yang banyak dialami ibu menyusui di negara sedang berkembang. Wanita Balak di Sumalera Utara yang sedang menyusui memiliki tradisi mengkonsumsi sop daun Torbangun ... -
Biskuit Berbasis Konsentrat Protein Ikan Yang Diperkaya Probiotik Sebagai Makanan Fungsional Untuk Meningkatkan Imunitas Dan Status Gizi Anak Balita
(2005)This study were aimed to formulate biscuit based on Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) and enriched with probiotic; and to evaluate the impact of biscuit feeding on immunity and nutritional status of underfive children. The ... -
Food Consumption Diversification Using Food Desirable Pattern Approach in Nutritionally Vulnerable Regencies
(2003)To diversify foods is an important aspect of food consumption since certain food doesn't supply all nutrients completely. Adequate and diverse food cot~sumption will guarantee thejirIIfiIlntent of variabilty of n~rtrieritsn ... -
Measurement of Family Strength
(2003)Based on the family theory of structural functionalism, family is the first and the main parasity of human resource development. Family is the basic unit of society. The objectives of this study were to develop a measurement ... -
Poverty Level and Conflicts Over Money Within Families
(2003)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kemiskinan terhadap konflik keuangan keluarga yang diperantarai oleh dua strategi yaitu penghematan dan peningkatan pendapatan. Sampel sebanyak 360 keluarga ... -
The Influence of Family Strength on the Quality of Pregnancy
(2003)The ohjectives of this study were to analize the influence,familv strengh on prepmlcy qlrality. The data were atlalyzed from the strrdy of "kxfect c~multitrrrtrietifto rtrjled food sril~~~lemoett~prt e gtlatlcy or~tcome.~w",h ... -
Pengaruh Sterol Lembaga Gandum (Triticum sp.) terhadap profil lipida darah tikus
(2004)ABSTRACT. The role of fitosterol in preventing cholesterol absorption and reducing atherosclerosis risk has been reported. Thrs research was conducted to evaluate the efect of wheat germ sterol on the concentration of total ... -
Potential of Indonesian Common Maize as Staple Food Compare with Quality Protein Maize (QPM) Based On Their Protein Quality
(2005)Telah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kualitas protein dua varietas jagung QPM (Srikandi Kuning dun Srikandi Putih) dun dua varietas jagung Indonesia. Sebanyak 40 tikus Sprague-Dawley berumur 3 minggu dibagi secara acak menjadi ... -
Penentuan Kadar Spesi Iodium dalam Garam Beriodium yang Beredar di Pasar dan Sediaan Makanan
(2006)Iodine deficrency disorders (IDD) is still a major public health problem In several areas of the world, especially in developing countries. The stabili~o f iodine will be influenced by food rype, water content and temperature ... -
Risiko Kegemukan Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol
(2006)Elevated of blood cholesterol may be caused by many factors and among others k over weight or obesity. High blood cholesterol may cause heart disease. Correlation analysis between obesity and blood cholesterol is rare, ...