Browsing Media Gizi dan Keluarga by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 92
Efek jamu bersalin galohgor terhadap involusi uterus dan gambaran darah tikus (Rattus sp.)
(2003)The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Jamu Galohgor on uterus involution and blood performance after giving birth. -
Dukungan diri, keluarga dan masyarakat serta hubungannya dengan pemulihan penyakit jantung koroner (PJK) bagi pasien pria rumah sakit Pelni Jakarta
(2003)The objectives of this study were to identify type of self support as well as family and social supports on male patients with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), and its association with the recovery of the CHD male out-patients, ... -
The Analysis of Push Factors for Women in Deciding Working or Not Working (Case Study: Farmer and Fisherman Households in Latuhalat, Ambon)
(2003)The objectives of this research were (1) to determine the main factors motivating farmer and fisherman household wives in Latuhalat to work or not to work, and (2) to identify the kind of occupations and its contribution ... -
Efek jamu bersalin Galohgor terhadap envolusi interus dan gambaran darah tikus (Rattus sp.)
(2003). The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Jamu Galohgor on uterus involution and blood performance after giving birth. The Jamu was prepared from 56 kinds of material. All materials were obtained from the ... -
Nilai anak dan pengasuhan berdasarkan gender pada anak usia 2-3 tahun di Kota Bogor
(2003)The purpose of this research was to evaluate relationship between the value of children in families and their parenting practice based on gender analysis. The research was conducted in Kelurahan Bondongan, Kecamatan Bogor ... -
Efek Kolesterolemik Berbagai Telur
(2003)This research was carried out for 8 weeks using several kind of fried and boiled eggs i.e. local chicken egg, chicken (layer) egg, duck egg and quail egg. Experimental rats (Wistar Cpb. WU) were used to evaluate the ... -
Measurement of Family Strength
(2003)Based on the family theory of structural functionalism, family is the first and the main parasity of human resource development. Family is the basic unit of society. The objectives of this study were to develop a measurement ... -
Metode dan jenis pereaksi iodium dalam sintesis minyak beriodium dari minyak sawit merah
(2003)The aim of this research was to obtain information about method and type of iodine reagent, which can be used in synthesis of iodized oil from red palm oil. Achievement of this goal had been conducted by production and ... -
Perumusan Ukuran Ketahanan Keluarga (Measurement of Family Strength)
(2003)Based on the family theory structural functionalism, family is the first and the main porosity of human resource development. Family is the basic unit of society. The objectives of this study were to develop a measurement ... -
Measurement of Family Strength
(2003)Based on the family theory of structural functionalism, family is the first and the main parasity of human resource development. Family is the basic unit of society. The objectives of this study were to develop a measurement ... -
Faktor resiko anemia pada ibu hamil di kota Bogor
(2003)The objective of this study was to analyze risk factors of anemia among pregnant women in Bogor Municipality. The source of the data came from a mapping survey of chronic energy deficiency (CEC) and anemia of pregnant women ... -
Pola pengasuhan, status gizi dan kemampuan kognitif anak usia sekolah di lingkungan pesantren dan keluarga serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.
(2003)The study was aimed to find out factors affecting child rearing pattern, nutritional status and intellectual ability among school aged children living in two different environment, i.e.: pesantren and in the family. The ... -
Aspek gizi dan keamanan pengan makanan jajanan di bursa kue Pasar Senen, Jakarta Pusat
(2003)The purpose of study was to evaluate nutritional value and food safety aspect of street food at Bursa Kue Subuh Pasar Senen, Jakarta Pusat. Moisture contents were between 35.61-72.85%, ash 0.20-2.81%, protein 1.13-6.42%, ... -
The Influence of Family Strength on the Quality of Pregnancy
(2003)The ohjectives of this study were to analize the influence,familv strengh on prepmlcy qlrality. The data were atlalyzed from the strrdy of "kxfect c~multitrrrtrietifto rtrjled food sril~~~lemoett~prt e gtlatlcy or~tcome.~w",h ... -
analisi tingkat ketahan pangan rumah tangga
(2003)The aim of this research was to analyze household food security level and its characteristics. Susenas data of 1999 from CBS become the source of this data. The results of this research were: 1) proportion of household ... -
Pengaruh bahan dan konsentrasi perendam Na2HPO4 dan Na 5P3010 terhadap mutu fisik,kimiawi dan organoleptik beras instan
(2003)The use of Na2HPO4 as soaking agent in instant-rice making greatly decreased protein and the sensory quality of the end product. This research aimed to seek an alternative soaking solution to attain better quality of instant ... -
Food Consumption Diversification Using Food Desirable Pattern Approach in Nutritionally Vulnerable Regencies
(2003)To diversify foods is an important aspect of food consumption since certain food doesn't supply all nutrients completely. Adequate and diverse food cot~sumption will guarantee thejirIIfiIlntent of variabilty of n~rtrieritsn ... -
Poverty Level and Conflicts Over Money Within Families
(2003)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kemiskinan terhadap konflik keuangan keluarga yang diperantarai oleh dua strategi yaitu penghematan dan peningkatan pendapatan. Sampel sebanyak 360 keluarga ... -
Pengaruh Sterol Lembaga Gandum (Triticum sp.) terhadap profil lipida darah tikus
(2004)ABSTRACT. The role of fitosterol in preventing cholesterol absorption and reducing atherosclerosis risk has been reported. Thrs research was conducted to evaluate the efect of wheat germ sterol on the concentration of total ... -
Ketahanan keluarga, manajeman stres, serta pemenuhan fungsi ekonomi dan fungsi sosialisasi keluarga korban kerusuhan Aceh
(2005)The objectives of this research are to analize : 1) family strength before and after relocation, 2) family stress management; family changes, family reorientation, coping strategy, and stress level, and 3) the accomplishment ...