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Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Pada Tingkat Psikososial Dan Kualitas Kesejahteraan Personal Mahasiswa (Kasus Di Dept.GMSK-FAPERTA-IPB)
(2008-12)The study was expected to prove the theory of Bronfenbrenner that the individual's human quality depens on the interactions between systems of individual characteristics, a micro family environment, and meso and exo ... -
Perumusan Ukuran Ketahanan Keluarga (Measurement of Family Strength)
(2003)Based on the family theory structural functionalism, family is the first and the main porosity of human resource development. Family is the basic unit of society. The objectives of this study were to develop a measurement ... -
Measurement of Family Strength
(2003)Based on the family theory of structural functionalism, family is the first and the main parasity of human resource development. Family is the basic unit of society. The objectives of this study were to develop a measurement ... -
Efek jamu bersalin galohgor terhadap involusi uterus dan gambaran darah tikus (Rattus sp.)
(2003)The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Jamu Galohgor on uterus involution and blood performance after giving birth. -
Peningkatan ketahanan keluarga dan kualitas pengasuhan untuk meningkatkan status gizi anak usia dini
(2008)The results of the research for over twenty years have shown that nutritional problem solution on a child depends on three major factors, namely individual food security, access towards health services, and the availability ... -
Pengaruh tekanan ekonomi keluarga, dukungan sosial, kuaitas perkawinan, pengasuhan dan kecerdasan emosi anak terhadap prestasi belajar anak
(2005)The general objective of the study are to analyze correlation between all research variables, analyze the influence economic pressure on marital quality and parenting quality; and analyze the influence marital quality, ... -
Ketahanan keluarga, manajeman stres, serta pemenuhan fungsi ekonomi dan fungsi sosialisasi keluarga korban kerusuhan Aceh
(2005)The objectives of this research are to analize : 1) family strength before and after relocation, 2) family stress management; family changes, family reorientation, coping strategy, and stress level, and 3) the accomplishment ... -
Analisis peran gender serta hubungannya dengan kesejahteraan keluarga petani padi dan hortikultura di daerah pinggiran perkotaan
(2008)Families with insufficient income can reduce their economic problems by making some adjustments. Families do coping strategy through the optimization of family resources in order to regain some control over their economic ... -
Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberfungsian pasca gempa dan tsunami di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
(2005)In the end of December 2004, earthquake and tsunami disaster attacked Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province and North Sumatera. The disaster caused : (a) the human victims with large numbers; (b) the paralyzed of basic community ... -
Analisis gender terhadap kebiasaan makan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku positif pelajar sekolah menengah di Kota Bogor
(2008)The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of family socio¬economic and family relations toward adolescent's positive behaviors. The study was conducted in 2001-2003 at four technical high schools and one senior ... -
Analisis peubah konsumsi pangan dan sosio ekonomi rumah tangga untuk menentukan indikator kelaparan
(2007)The objective of the study was to analyze determinants of hunger. The study design was a cross-sectional study. Research was conducted in four areas (Bogor Municipality, Garut, Karawang, and Pandeglang Districts) in ... -
Analisis strategi food coping keluarga dan penentuan indikator kelaparan
(2008)The research objectives were to analyze strategies in family food coping and to determine hunger indicators. The research design was retrospective and it was conducted in two difference area representing rural community ... -
Diagram kontrol statistika untuk penilaian status gizi secara antropometri
(2008)A complete set of intruments which is easy to be used for evaluating nutritional status anthropometricaly both for children and adult is not developed yet except health card so called "Kartu Menuju Sehat". KMS was designed ... -
Evaluasi mutu indrawi, kandungan dan mutu gizi produk makanan tambahan ibu hamil yang difortifikasi zat mikro
(2007)Good nutritional status before and during pregnancy is very important and critical to prevent low birth weight and retarded child growth. Feeding program with supplementary food for pregnant women is one alternative to ... -
Faktor resiko kejadian gizi buruk pada anak balita (12-59 bulan) di wilayah kerja puskesmas Andalas Kecamatan Padang Timur Kota Padang tahun 2007
(2007)Severe wasting is a kind of under nutrition that happened on a long term and generate the impact on a long-range term also. Based on mass measure weight of under five year old children Padang ih 2006, there were severe ... -
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian susu untuk anak 2-5 tahun di kota Bogor
(2008)This research was aimed to analyze the determinant factors of milk purchasing decision for children of 2 to 5 years old. A cross-sectional study design was applied on this study. The locations were purposively selected at ... -
Hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek ibu dengan keberlanjutan pemberian asi eksklusif dari umur 4 menjadi 6 bulan
(2007)The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between mother's knowledge, attitude, and practices with the possibility to extend the breastfeed from 4 to 6 months. The mother's knowledge on breast feeding mostly ... -
Hubungan pola asuh makan, pengetahuan gizi, persepsi, dengan kebiasaan makan sayuran ibu rumahtangga di perkotaan dan pedesaan Bogor
(2007)The aims of the study were to analyze characteristics of feeding practices, nutrition knowledge, perception, and vegetable eating habit; and to analyze relationship between each aspects among housewives in urban and rural ... -
Karakteristik keluarga, interaksi ibu-anak dan pengasuhan serta pengaruhnya pada tumbuh kembang anak di Bogor dan Depok
(2008). This research aimed to identify mother's psychosocial status, and mother-child interaction and its influenced to quality of children participated at formal (kindergarten group) and non formal early child education group. ... -
Ketahanan pangan, pola pengasuhan dan status gizi balita pada rumah tangga miskin
(2008)The increasing of malnutrition prevalence is not just a threat at the present but also a threat for the future. The purposes of this article are to analyze the nutritional status of under-five children and the relation ...