Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 96
Kajian Strategi Produksi Bersih di Industri Kecil Tapioka: Kasus Kelurahan Ciluar, Kecamatan Bogor Utara
(2010)Smail scale industries are gaining importance and their contribution to pollution problems cannot be ignored One ofsmall scale industry having the potential to cause environment problems is centralized ofsmall scale tapioca ... -
Kajian Sifat Fisiko Kimia Ekstrak Minyak Kelapa Murni (Virgin Coconut Oil, VCO) yang dibuat dengan Metode Pembekuan Krim Santan
(2010)Most commercial grade coconut oils are made from copr. Most ofthe copra is dried under the sun in the open air, where it is exposed to insects and mold. The standard end product made from copra is RBD (refined, bleached, ... -
The Strategy for Selecting Institutional Model and Financial Analysis of Sesame Agroindustry
(2009)Business institution is one of the important components to develop an agroindustry. The aim of this esearch was to find the appropriate institutional model for sesame agroindustry based on financial feasibility Inalysis ... -
Implementation of an Integrated Pollution Control Strategy: A Case Study of Muncar Fish Processing Area
(2010)Muncor is one ofa few major fish processing complex, which contributes significantly to the local as well as national economic development since most of the products is export oriented Majority of industry is characterized ... -
Development of Panel Sandwich Products Made from Bamboo
(2009)Composite panel products sllch as sandwich panel can be used in building construction. The purpose of the Jirst research is to find out the physical and mechanical properties of sandwich panel made from three bamboo species. ... -
The Influence of Reactant Ratio (Eupcalyptus Lignin-Sodium Bisulfite) and Initial pH Towards Characteristics of Sodium Lignosulfonate
(2009)Eucalyptus lignin was isolatedfrom kraft black liquor through by acidification using H;;SOJ' SulJonation ofeucalyptus lignin produced sodium lignosulJonate (SLS) which can be used as dispersants, and emulsifier. In this ... -
Influence of Glucose and Yeast Extract Toward Production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-Protease Inhibitor from Chromohalobacter sp. 6A3 (Bacteria Associated with Sponge Xetospongia testudinaria)
(2009)One way to inhibit protease activity is search is compound which can inhibit the enzyme known as protease inhibitor. The bacteria associated with sponge Xetospongia testudinaria, Chromohalobacter sp. 6A3, as producer ... -
Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Produk Corned Pronas Produksi PT CIP, Denpasar Bali
(2010)PT Canning Indonesian Products (PT CIP), formed by Japanese Government in 1942, is one ofthe oldest cannedfood companies in Indonesia. Its main product is known as PRONAS A fierce competition like oftoday infood industry ... -
Optimization of Rubber Seed (Hevea brasiliensis) Drying in Rubber Seed Oil Extraction for Chamois Leather Tanning
(2009)Drying is one of the important steps in oil extraction using mechanical pressing. /t can decrease oil hydrolysis and increase yield of oil due to the decrease of oil affinity on the material surface and protein coagulation. ... -
Analisis kinerja sistem antrian pada industri pengolahan fillet ikan beku (studi kasus di PT. GTS, Jawa Barat)
(2010)Fishing industries are one ofIndonesia huge source for Indonesia capital income. and Indonesia is one of the biggest exporter offisheries commodity in the global market. In order to maintain and to expand its market, a ... -
The Novelty Issues in the Agroindustrial Research
(2009)This article discusses some issues ofnovelty in the agroindustrial research faced by graduate students in the department ofAgroindustrial Technology, It proposes three types of novelty that students may select for their ... -
Rancang Bangun Industri Tepung Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera) Terpadu
(2007)Technology t0 produce Aloe vera powder has been implemented in Aloe vera centre (AVC), Puntianak, West Kalimanlan in pilot-plant scale. Based on chemical analysis and biological activity test, Aloe vera powder can be used ... -
Kinetics of Ishotermal Adsorption of beta-Carotene from Crude Palm Olein using Bentonite
(2009)The adsorption of fJ-carotene from crude palm olein by using bentonite was investigated Another adsorbent, which is activated carbons was used as a reference. The adsorption process offJ-carotene was done using a mixed ... -
Characterization Of Liquid Smoke Pyrolyzed From Solid Organic Waste
(2007)The liquid smoke had been produced from raw material ofsolid organic waste using pyrolysis reactor. The composition of organic waste as 30% bamboo, 30% wood, 20% small branch and 20% fruit peel was separated and coped ... -
The Study on Microencapsulation of Vanilla Extract
(2009)Natural vanilla extract microencapsulation was done by spray drying method, using maltodextrin DElO and modified cassava starch (Flomax 8) as coating material. Selection ofcoating material ratio ofmaltodextrin DEJO: Flomax8 ... -
Deacidification and Decoloration (Jatropha curcas L.) using Membrane Microfiltration
(2009)This study focused on the deacidification and decoloration of crude jatropha oil using microjiltration membrane. The experiment was conducted with hydraulic-pressed jatropha oil and polypropylene (PP) membrane hollow jiber ... -
Karakterisasi Sifat Fisiko Kimia dan Mekanis Kelobot sebagai Bahan Kemasan
(2007)Cornhusk is a packaging material which is easy to get, cheap and biodegradable. Generally, ccrnhusk is used as a packaging material in dry condition. The aim ofthis research are identifying its mechanical, chemical and ... -
Pengaruh Prose Fraksinasi Pati Sagu Terhadap Karakteristik Fraksi Amilosanya
(2007)The objective of this research is to analyse the effect of the starch suspension temperature and the I-butanol volume as complexing agent 10 the characteristic of amylose of sago starch fraction. In the fractionation ... -
Pemodelan Crossflow Mikroprofiltrasi Larutan Xantan Berdasarkan Analisis Dimensional
(2007)The present paper provides a model based on dimensional analvsis that gIves the basis for design of crossflow microjiltration processes, This gives the permeate flux (J,j in terms oj' pressure drop across the filtration ... -
Pendugaan Umur Simpan Bubuk Jahe Merah (Zingeber officinale var. rubrum)
(2007)Red ginger is one kind of gingers. which is usually used for modern and traditional herb medicine. Fresh red ginger is easily damage; therefore preservation technology is needed Red ginger is preserved by drying or being ...