Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 96
Pengaruh Nisbah Pereaksi (Lignin Eupcalyptus – Natrium Bisulfit) Dan Ph Awal Reaksi Sulfonasi Terhadap Karakteristik Natrium Lignosulfonat
(2010)Eucalyptus lignin was isolated from kraft black liquor through by acidification using H2SO4. Sulfonation of eucalyptus lignin produced sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) which can be used as dispersants, and emulsifier. In this ... -
Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Papan Partikel Dari Ampas Jarak Kepyar Physical And Mechanical Properties Of Particle Board From Castor Cake Meal
(2014)The castor cake meal 1ras a by-product of castor oil production and its has recently been highly rated as a source of raw material for particle board, because beyond its high protein content (32-48%) and fibre (28- 33%). ... -
Ekstraksi Minyak Atsiri dari Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix DC) pada Skala Pilot-Plant
(2000-03)Jeruk purut (Citrus hystricx DC) leave, as essential oil containing material, possibly has high commercial value. Proper production of jeruk purut leaves oil is determined using experimental data obtained from water ... -
Kajian sifat fisiko kimia ekstrak minyak kelapa murni (virgin coconut oil, vco) yang dibuat dengan metode pembekuan krim santan
(2005)Most commercial grade coconut oils are made from copr. Most of the copra is dried under the sun in the open air, where it is exposed to insects and mold. The standard end product made from copra is RBD (refined bleached, ... -
Pengaruh Suplementasi Daun Ubi Kayu Terhadap Fermentabilitas Dan Kecernaan In Vitro Ransum Berpakan Serat Sawit Hasil Amoniasi Dengan Urea
(2000)Ruminant production is impeded by lack of forage and roughage. This experiment tried to make use the ample supply of palm press fiber (PPF) as the sources of roughage. The first experiment was conducted to evaluate effect ... -
Pemanfaatan Sludge Limbah Kertas Untuk Pembuatan Kompos Dengan Metode Windrow Dan Cina
(1997)Sludge generated from waste water treatment process of pulp and paper mill is a potential source of material to produce compost. It still contains a cellulose and mineral substances needed for composting. For composting ... -
Kajian Penggunaan Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera) Dan Bee Pollen Pada Pembuatan Sabun Opaque
(2002)The Aloe vera gel consists of saponin which is able to control and maintain skin moist. Bee pollen consists of high protein as well as A, B, C, D, and E vitamins used to regenerate skin and to supply some nutrition to the ... -
Aplikasi Linear Programming Dalam Formulasi Pupuk Organik Berbasis Kompos Untuk Berbagai Tanaman
(2003)To support Indonesian organic agricultural system that will be started in 2010, fertilizing will be done with organic fertilizer. The function of fertilizer is to fulfill the plant nutrition. The needs of nutrition is ... -
Aplikasi Dietanolamida Dari Asam Laurat Minyak Inti Sawit Pada Pembuatan Sabun Transparan
(2002)Surfactant represents one of industrial products from a downstream industry of palm. The development of surfactant has a strong prospect. Surfactant which is widely used in the personal care industry is diethanolamide ... -
Model Pengembangan Agroindustri Cocodiesel Di Daerah Terpencil
(2006)This paper presents a model for development of cocodiesel agroindustry in the remote and isolated areas. Using this new model both fishermen and coconut farmers can take advantages from the development of cocodiesel ... -
Kajian Pengaruh Pela Rut Pada Pembuatan Membran Mikrofiltrasi (Porous Membrane) Dari Khitosan
(2010)Membrane filtration is a process of material separation that is widely used in industry and laboratory scales. The aims of the research are; to produce chitosan membranes by using crustacea waste, to identify characteristics ... -
Pembuatan Soychurt Sinbiotik Sebagai Makanan Fungslonal Dencan Penambahan Kultur Campuran Streptococus thermophillus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus DAN Lactobacillus acidophilus Vol 18, No 1
(2007)The objective of this research was to study rhe effect of L. acidophillus concentration on fermented soymilk quality. The experiment used a completely random design with L. acidophillus concentration as a treatment. Three ... -
Kajian pengaruh pelarut pada pembuatan Membran Mikrofiltrasi (Porous Membrane) dari Khitosan
(2011)Membrane filtration is a process of material separation that is widely used in industry and laboratory scales. The aims of the research are; to produce chitosart membranes by using crustacea waste, to identify characteristics ... -
Kombinasi perendaman dalam natrium hidroksida dan aplikasi kitin deasetilase terhadap kitin kulit udang untuk menghasilkan kitosan dengan berat molekul rendah
(2007)Thermostable chitin deacetylase produced by Bacillus K29-14 was used to produce chitosan from shrimp chitin. Chemical treatment before the enzyme application on chitin was conducted by soaking it in 60 % NaOH solution, ... -
Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Untuk Industri Berbasis Cassava Research And Development For Cassava Based Industry Vol 19, No 3, 2011
(2011)Cassava, locally known as ubi kayu, singkong or ketela pohon, has huge potency due to: (i) can be grown in almost all climate conditions, (ii) drough resistence, (iii) raw material for many uses vary from food, feed to ... -
Penghambatan Degradasi Sukrosa Nira Tebu Menggunakan Gelembung Gas Nitrogen Dalam Reaktor Venturi Bersirkulasi The Inhibition Process On Sucrose Degradation In Sugar Cane Juice Using Nitrogen Gas Bubbling On Loop-Venturi Reactor Vol 19, No 3, 2011
(2011)The degradation of sucrose in sugar cane juice in process caused by inversion enzyme reaction and microorganism activity. The inversion sucrose caused by damage or maintenance of process equipment (downtime). The inhibition ... -
Keragaan Kinerja Dan Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Pengendalian Proses Produksi Gula Kristal Di PT. Rajawali Ii Unit Pabrik Gula Jati Tujuh-Majalengka Performance And Decision Support System For Cane Sugar Production Process Control At PT. Rajawali Ii, Jatitujuh Factory Unit, Majalengka Vol 19, No 3, 2011
(2011)Main problem in sugar production is inefficiency of process due to unreliable old machines and equipments. The second problem is low performance of sugar processing, and the third is due to the inefficiency of production ... -
Model Matematik Proses Hidrolisis Selulosa Batang Pisang Menjadi Glukosa Menggunakan Katalis Asam Cair Mathematic Model Of Hidrolysis Process From Banana Trees Cellulose To Glucose By Using Liquid Acid Catalyst Vol 19, No 3, 2011
(2011)Banana trees are rich of cellulose and a potential source for producing glucose. The aim of the research was to develop a mathematic model of banana tree fiber hydrolysis by using sulfite acid as catalyst. The concentratios ... -
Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Cerdas Untuk Mengelola Rantai Pasokan Pada Agroindustri Hortikultura An Intelligent Decision Support System For Horticultue Supply Chain Management Vol 19, No 3, 2011
(2011)The objective of this research was to develop an intelligent decision support system for optimization of horticulture supply chain model using genetic algorithms. The case study was conducted at PT. Saung Mirwan, ... -
Potensi Pemanfaatan Biji Karet (Hevea Brasiliansis Muell.Arg) Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif Biokerosin Potency For The Utilization Of Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell.Arg) Seed As An Alternative Energy Source Of Biokerosene Vol 19, No 3, 2011
(2011)Pure plant oil could be obtained from various seeds, such as rubber seed. Rubber seed oil could be converted into biokerosene. The objective of this research was to explore the potency of biokerosene from rubber plantation ...