Browsing Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 96
Analisis kinerja sistem antrian pada industri pengolahan fillet ikan beku (studi kasus di PT. GTS, Jawa Barat)
(2010)Fishing industries are one ofIndonesia huge source for Indonesia capital income. and Indonesia is one of the biggest exporter offisheries commodity in the global market. In order to maintain and to expand its market, a ... -
Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Produk Corned Pronas Produksi PT CIP, Denpasar Bali
(2010)PT Canning Indonesian Products (PT CIP), formed by Japanese Government in 1942, is one ofthe oldest cannedfood companies in Indonesia. Its main product is known as PRONAS A fierce competition like oftoday infood industry ... -
Aplikasi Dietanolamida Dari Asam Laurat Minyak Inti Sawit Pada Pembuatan Sabun Transparan
(2002)Surfactant represents one of industrial products from a downstream industry of palm. The development of surfactant has a strong prospect. Surfactant which is widely used in the personal care industry is diethanolamide ... -
Aplikasi Linear Programming Dalam Formulasi Pupuk Organik Berbasis Kompos Untuk Berbagai Tanaman
(2003)To support Indonesian organic agricultural system that will be started in 2010, fertilizing will be done with organic fertilizer. The function of fertilizer is to fulfill the plant nutrition. The needs of nutrition is ... -
Aplikasi Minyak Sereh Wangi (Citronella Oil) dan Geraniol dalam Pembuatan Skin Lotion Penolak Nyamuk
(2005)Indonesia is one of the biggest producers ofcitronella oil in the world. The high production ofcitronella oil needs to be del'eloped becoming nell' fractions and application into product. One of the applications is as ... -
Asosiasi Agroindusrti Indonesia
(1998) -
Chamois Lether Tanning Using Rubber Seed Oil
(2009)Indonesia is one of the countries having the largest rubber plan lations in the world. Besides producing lateex, rubber plantations produce also about 1500kgfhectare of rubber seeds, which has not been utilised optimally. ... -
Characterization Of Liquid Smoke Pyrolyzed From Solid Organic Waste
(2007)The liquid smoke had been produced from raw material ofsolid organic waste using pyrolysis reactor. The composition of organic waste as 30% bamboo, 30% wood, 20% small branch and 20% fruit peel was separated and coped ... -
Deacidification and Decoloration (Jatropha curcas L.) using Membrane Microfiltration
(2009)This study focused on the deacidification and decoloration of crude jatropha oil using microjiltration membrane. The experiment was conducted with hydraulic-pressed jatropha oil and polypropylene (PP) membrane hollow jiber ... -
Development of Panel Sandwich Products Made from Bamboo
(2009)Composite panel products sllch as sandwich panel can be used in building construction. The purpose of the Jirst research is to find out the physical and mechanical properties of sandwich panel made from three bamboo species. ... -
Effect Of Heat Moisture Treatment Of Sago Starch On Its Noodle Quality
(2006)Sago starch has potential as source of flour for noodle. However, noodle made of sago strach limitedly utilized due to the absence of gluten and lack of desired functional properties. Heat moisture treatment (HMT) is a ... -
Ekstraksi Minyak Atsiri dari Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix DC) pada Skala Pilot-Plant
(2000-03)Jeruk purut (Citrus hystricx DC) leave, as essential oil containing material, possibly has high commercial value. Proper production of jeruk purut leaves oil is determined using experimental data obtained from water ... -
Hubunan Ketersediaan Sumberdaya Keluarga dan Tingkat Kepedulian Ibu dengan Status Kurang Energi Protein (Kep)Anak Balita
(2000)ABSTRACT. The objective of the sfu4 is to determine the relationship between family resources and mother's care with PEM status of underfive children. The research was conducted in Kelurahan Cikaret and Desa Ranmaya, ... -
HUbungan Konsumsi Energi Protein dengan Glukosa Darah dan Tekanan Darah Anak Sekolah Dasar Penerima PMT-AS di Kabupaten Kupang Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
(2000)The Objective of this stu* was to observe correlation of energv-protein consumption with b l d glucm levels and blood pressure of priminy s c h l chiwen in Kupang Eat of Nusa Tenggara province purticipating in school-feeding ... -
Hubungan Kuantitas dan Kulaitas Pengasuhan dengan Status Gizi Anak Bawah Lima Tahun Di Desa Rancamaya Bogor
(2000)The study aims to determine relationship between mothering and nutritional status of under five children at Desa Rancamqa Kota Bogor. fie samples of the study were children within the age range of 13 - 60 months. Thirg ... -
Hubungan Status Konsumsi Energi dan Status Gizi Anak Umur 6-18 Tahun Penghuni PSAA di DKI Jakarta Tahun 1999
(2000)i%is study was cohcted to investigate the nutritional status and food consumption of children in the Jakarta orphanages-The aim of the shrdy is to examined the relationship between energy consumption and nutritional status ... -
Impact Bruise ResistanceOf Palm Friut
(1998)This paper presents the dropping mass impact method 10 study bruise resistance and minimum absorbed energy to cause bruising on oil palm fruit. their variation vailies due 10 the differences offruit fractions and transport ... -
Implementation of an Integrated Pollution Control Strategy: A Case Study of Muncar Fish Processing Area
(2010)Muncor is one ofa few major fish processing complex, which contributes significantly to the local as well as national economic development since most of the products is export oriented Majority of industry is characterized ... -
Influence of Glucose and Yeast Extract Toward Production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-Protease Inhibitor from Chromohalobacter sp. 6A3 (Bacteria Associated with Sponge Xetospongia testudinaria)
(2009)One way to inhibit protease activity is search is compound which can inhibit the enzyme known as protease inhibitor. The bacteria associated with sponge Xetospongia testudinaria, Chromohalobacter sp. 6A3, as producer ...